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From the author: So, can we change physiological processes with a thought or not? It is clear that we are not talking about those issues where medical help is inevitable and indicated, but about those borderline problems that are on the edge. A huge number of people face depressive or similar conditions. The only question is the intensity and frequency of manifestations. I believe that a thought can significantly improve a person’s condition and affect his physiology as well. I want to believe that everything will be fine. After all, hope and faith are given to a person precisely so that a sufficient amount of vital energy is generated, creating the opportunity to see all the delights of this world. Depression, apathy, low mood, on the contrary, reduce the production of pleasure hormones at the physiological level, as a result of which the human body does not need generate energy for life, as he withdraws from the world and hides in his cocoon. He does not have the energy to create new connections with the world and maintain old ones. His thinking is tunnel-like, he sees very narrowly, because he simply does not have the strength to take a broader view. He lives on autopilot. In this state, his body can only produce the energy necessary for survival, but not for life. Depression is characterized by a decrease in vitality and a reluctance to continue life, since, as the person thinks, nothing good will happen in his life. Belief in the good and hope , in turn, allow you to create an incredibly interesting picture of the future, which a person will definitely want to visit. Optimism and an active life position create excellent conditions for the desire to move on in life. This desire is akin to interest, curiosity. The energy of life is the energy of excitement in which an optimistic person arrives. Of course, such people also have breakdowns and states of blues that sometimes do not leave for several days. But, in general, interest in life is always present. A question arises. Does a cognitive mood arise first, that is, a positive background of thinking is created, or are thoughts a consequence of physiological processes? It is clear that human physiology and psychology are closely related and, if we see depressive manifestations, then the cause must be sought in these two areas: and body and head. But what comes first? Of course, doctors will say that the body comes first, that it is the disruption of the production of pleasure hormones and not only that leads to the fact that a person is lethargic and apathetic. (this is if we discard other possible health problems) I agree that this is of great importance, but can’t we correct this process with the help of thought? After all, with our thoughts we can drive ourselves into stress, for example, and the heart will beat faster, the pressure will jump, the muscles will tighten. This is how the body will react to a terrible stressful thought. After all, it doesn’t matter to the body whether the danger is real or virtual. If the brain has deciphered the danger as real, then the body will react accordingly. And the brain can make mistakes, since there are a huge number of cognitive distortions. Therefore, it turns out that thought affects the body and its reactions. So why can’t we create and inlay certain thoughts that will contribute to changing a person’s hormonal levels, which, in turn, will affect his mood? It’s clear that I didn’t discover America, psychotherapy works that way and in many cases is very successful .You just need to understand that the process of consolidating the result is quite long. If a person has been in a state of depression or in states close to it for many years, then the process of changing thinking will take a long time, because this is difficult work and the body will resist, since it is difficult to change the system. Moreover, habitual thoughts from the past will not be easily let go person into a bright future. They will persistently come and remind you of themselves. Therefore, those who want to change must understand.