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Do you consider yourself a beautiful person? What is a beautiful person like? Beauty is a relative concept. Beauty can be compared to a layer cake: layer – good genes, layer – care, layer – successful wardrobe, layer - manners, layer - charm. There can be many of these layers! But you don't have to have all the layers to be attractive. Sometimes a modest two-layer cake is a real yummy, and in other cases, a “sophisticated” tower of custard and marzipan is “so-so.” Appearance is the very first information that we receive about a stranger. Dissatisfaction with one’s appearance is common, especially at a young age. Young people often feel that they are not good enough or even funny, that others are discussing their shortcomings. They worry, become fixated, even though their flaws are most often far-fetched or overly exaggerated by the imagination. Many people believe that by changing their appearance, they will change their life. In fact, external shortcomings go away, but internal ones remain, preventing us from feeling like a happy person. Why? Because image (from the English image - “image”) is the visual attractiveness of a person – a psychological concept. And it is formed not only by a person’s appearance, but also by his internal state. We all ideally strive for an interesting life, for harmony with ourselves and with the world. Many of our problems are connected precisely with the discrepancy between the external appearance and the inner world and vice versa. 3 components of the image: 1. Physical image, which is formed by the state of health, hairstyle, makeup, clothing style (Appearance). 2.The psychological image is formed by your character, temperament, and inner world. 3. Social image is determined by the role in society, behavior and communication characteristics. Knowledge of communication techniques, listening skills, negotiation skills, and overcoming conflict situations. All these parts of the image are interconnected and any changes in one direction inevitably entail changes in others. How we treat ourselves depends on the attitude of those around us. If you treat yourself with irony and sarcasm, with hatred and condemnation, other people will not there is nothing else left to do but do the same to you. People treat you badly not because you are unattractive, but because you yourself set such an example for them. The word “attractive” means “pleasant”, “alluring”. For everyone The definition of attractiveness varies from person to person. Some people consider attractive people who have charm and charm. And for others, it is something deep, soulful. An attractive image depends on individual tastes and preferences. Each person has his own characteristics. It is important to be able to reveal one’s strengths. Closeness to the standard is rare. Let’s admit this and proceed from reality. And the reality is this: they love everyone: short and long, cheerful and sad, fat and thin. Attractiveness lies within each of us. In the mood, in the smile, in the gaze, in the desire and ability to please, in the ability to emphasize one’s advantages. A person who does not love his own life cannot be interested. The secret of attractiveness is that a LIVING PERSON is attractive. A living person is distinguished by the fact that he LIVES: he feels, reacts, rejoices, is sad, is interested, gets angry, enjoys. Happiness is not in appearance, but in the inner state. In feeling like a harmonious person, in a feeling of harmony and interest in life, in oneself and others. Beauty is harmony!!!