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Summer is coming to an end, and school markets are now the hottest time. Many have just received their salaries; some parents leave all their vacation pay here. Is it worth doing this? The new uniform looks unusual on the tomboys who come out of the fitting room in flip-flops and with bruised knees. For more than two months of vacation, they got used to different uniforms. But there’s nothing you can do, you’ll have to pull yourself together and sit back at your desk for the long nine months of the school year. How best to prepare for school? Psychologist Tatyana Kushnirenko, who has to work with children's fears and children's adaptation to school, says that there is no need to use the remaining vacation time as the last chance to cram into the child's head everything that he did not know before. The former kindergartener still has eleven long school years ahead of him. Rest, air, vitamins and no cramming - There is no need to force a future first-grader to write and read from morning to evening! This is what summer is for, to gain strength, and you don’t have to go to overseas countries, you can just spend more time outdoors, in the park. The main thing is to motivate the future first-grader to study. He should read more books and watch cartoons that depict the process of studying at school. He must understand that studying is an obligatory basis, a foundation for later life. This is the first step of growing up. Having gone through it, he will be able to enter a university and get a good job,” explains Tatyana Olegovna. It is important to teach your child responsibility. Starting in August, you should establish a daily routine, let your child get up early and go to bed earlier, so that September trips to school do not become too stressful for him. In addition to moral strengthening, it is worth taking care of physical health. Let the child spend more time outside, engage him in active games. You should take a multivitamin complex that supports the immune system, eat more vegetables and fruits. Having nourished yourself with vitamins, your child will get sick less. Otherwise, the body may malfunction, because adaptation to school lasts from six months to a year, and any stress, as we know, in childhood entails a lot of illnesses. Adaptation is easier for children in classes where they have friends from kindergarten. Remember your school years, share pleasant memories, become a positive example for your son or daughter, because after years everyone speaks about school only with warmth. It is impossible to overestimate her contribution. Bright notebooks are not contraindicated - If your child finds himself in an unfamiliar group and cannot get along with his classmates, this is not a reason for despondency. Some boys and girls even develop aggression, often associated with unjustified expectations. Contact the teacher, let him talk with the student, show more interest in him, then the beginning student will respond in the same way. It would be nice to hold some events or a class hour to bring the children’s team closer together and make friends with each other,” Tatyana Kushnirenko continues to advise. There is a lot of debate today about the obligation to wear a school uniform. There are some parents who are happy with this, and some who are not. But psychologists clearly believe that uniform disciplines, teaches order, and equalizes, so that a child in a group can stand out not through expensive and bright clothes, but solely through knowledge and his originality. Many educators ask parents not to buy office supplies that are too bright and sophisticated. Psychologists advise that you should definitely go school shopping with your child. Let him choose what he likes, this will partly involve him in the learning process, let him show interest and responsibility. Again, albums and notebooks with your favorite cartoon characters will help with adaptation. The only thing is that they must be comfortable at the same time. Shop wisely and don't spend too much money. Material taken from the site:/36684545/