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VISUAL MEMORY (from 5 years old)1. "Invisible hat".For 3 sec. you need to remember all the objects collected under the hat, which is raised at this time, and then list them. 2. “Remember and find.” Prepare tables with images of objects, geometric figures. Show to the child for 4-5 seconds. a card with images of objects and ask them to remember them so that they can then find them among others at the bottom of the table. The same goes for geometric shapes. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1 Between memorizing and searching for images, pauses of varying durations should be made (from 5 seconds to 5 minutes), and pauses can be either “empty” or filled with some kind of activity (for example, drawing, reciting a poem, repeating the alphabet or multiplication tables, doing physical exercises, etc.).3. “Remember it exactly.”A. Prepare a sheet of paper with 15-20 geometric shapes, different in size and shape (large and small circles, squares, triangles, stars, snowflakes, etc.). Ask your child to remember only large (small) figures, only round figures, etc. Then find them on another form. B. Prepare a form with correct and inverted (top to bottom, right to left) figures, numbers or letters (a mixed version will be more complex). Ask your child to remember only the correct (only upside down) figures (numbers, letters), and then find and/or draw them. Memorization time is 15-20 seconds. The number of memorized elements is from 5 to 10.4. “Memorize and draw.” For this task, it is necessary to prepare in advance samples for memorization on separate sheets of paper (Fig. 2), as well as a sheet of paper and a pencil. Ask your child to look carefully at the pattern and remember it. Then invite him to draw these figures in the same order from memory. The estimated display time for the first sequence is 2 seconds, for the second 3-4 seconds, for the fifth 6-7 seconds. Rice. 2.5. “Restore order.” Prepare 5-10 toys (items), arrange them in random order. Invite your child to remember their location (15-20 seconds). Then he turns away, and the psychologist changes several toys (objects) places. The child must restore everything to its original form. In another embodiment, these standards are lined up; the psychologist swaps their order in a row. This task can be performed, like the previous one, on any material (object, flowers, animals, letters, etc.)6. "Remember the order." Children stand in a semicircle; The task of the child leader is to remember the order of the children. The first option is that he turns away and names the children in order; the second option - the psychologist changes the order, rearranging no more than 3-5 children, and the child restores it.7. “Remember the pose.” Children freeze in different positions; The presenter carefully examines them and remembers the children’s poses and their clothes. Then he leaves the room, and the psychologist makes no more than 3-5 changes in the children’s postures and clothing. The presenter’s task is to return everything to its original position. 8. “Remember the pair.” Prepare forms with figures for memorization and reproduction (Fig. 3). Explain to the child how he will remember the figures. He looks at the 1st form and tries to remember the proposed pairs of images (figures and sign). Then the form is removed and he is offered a 2nd form - for reproduction, on which he must draw the corresponding pair in the empty cells opposite each figure. Fig. 39. “Color the same shapes with the same color.” The child is offered a form with 7-20 geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, etc.). The psychologist asks him to show him a circle, square, etc., and then remember that circles need to be colored yellow, squares red, triangles green, etc. The task can be complicated by increasing the number and variety of shapes and colors, adding sign of size (large and small circles, etc.), introducing letters and numbers into the material.10. “Remember the pictures.” View 5 (6,7,8,9,10) pictures within 1-2 minutes.».