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Negative events, failures, disappointments happen in the life of every person. But certain categories of people react to such negativity much brighter, harsher and harder than others. Children Almost everyone knows that children react sharply to any failure. They cry, they get offended, they leave contact even with significant people when something doesn’t go the way they want. Children do not know how to lose, they find it difficult to do something again, redo something, try to improve something. Children too often try to place their fate in the hands of their parents, because it is extremely difficult for them to manage their condition and their decisions. Hysteroids Every fifth person is to some extent a hysteroid. This is one of the five basic character options. This kind of character is neither good nor bad. Hysteroids are not only bright personalities who demand attention, who want to be in the thick of emotional experiences. This is also a category of character that involves an almost instantaneous transition of a problematic situation into a bodily reaction. Any hysterical person in a problematic situation notices a variety of tense sensations in his body. This could be a headache, overstrained muscles of the arms or legs, a lump in the throat, tinnitus and many other sensations that create the illusion of intolerance to the current situation. Neurotics A neurotic personality type involves an active involvement in assessing how others treat you. Neurotics overactively evaluate the effectiveness of their behavior, the appropriateness of their behavior, and the social danger of their behavior. Therefore, any negative life events make neurotics much more tense, because in order to make decisions, a neurotic needs to take into account many factors in the outside world. And the more factors of the external world that need to be taken into account, the higher the level of internal tension. Responsible peopleAnd another unexpected category that endures life’s adversities very hard is responsible people. Those people who do not just make a promise, about which they sincerely believe that the promise must always be fulfilled, their word must be kept. And since you made some kind of promise, if something didn’t work out for you, then you must not only correct the situation, but you must also do it in the very near future. And it doesn’t matter how much strength you have now, what your mood is now, how much you believe in your success. If you are a responsible person, then you must do what you have set for yourself in the form of a specific goal. In fact, what unites all the four categories above is rigid perception. That format of perception that assumes that you look at the world harshly and definitely. If A, then B. And nothing else. A rigid perception does not allow for multiple ways of looking at what is happening or your results. Rigid perception increases the level of your internal tension and the level of severity of perception of what is happening to you. If you found the article useful, feel free to click the “say thank you” button at the bottom right If you have anxiety, fears, neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression. If you want to manage your condition on your own, then start learning specific skills to manage your condition now.