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How often do you analyze the information you consume? Do you set aside time during the day where you think about everything that happens in your life? If you read a book, do you reflect what did you learn from it and how did it affect your life? And when we watch movies? Often we do not analyze information, do not use it, and subsequently, it is randomly stored on our “hard drive”. I admit, I myself often do not analyze and do not apply in life the information that I consume in huge quantities. But this is a skill that can and should be developed. For example, I go to book club meetings weekly and I want to say that SO, I have never read in my life. Even your own notes and comments in books do not give the same effect from reading as discussing a book in a group. Thanks to regular meetings and discussion by participants of the information consumed, the skill of reflection and quality reflection is activated. And thanks to working in a group and exchanging opinions, there is a great opportunity to see what you might not have seen and realize what had never even occurred to you before. This really helps you grow and helps you analyze information. I want to share with you my notes, where I wrote down the main meanings and insights of the movie “Avatar” (Part 1).1. Everything that science explores and creates was created long ago by nature2. People follow the leader because he has what those who follow him dream of. Follow your heart4. Trust your body and it will reciprocate your feelings5. Everything in the world is interconnected6. To get recognition, do the impossible7. When making a choice in favor of what you want to have, you may encounter strong resistance, which can turn against you8. Heroism in war is shown not only by those who want to protect their home, but also by those who do not want to return to it and have nothing to lose9. People blindly go to war, knowing only the truth of one side, not wanting to understand the other side10. Money for a country is much more valuable than human lives and its people11. Man destroys nature for his own benefit and the money he can earn12. What we do not understand, in most cases, becomes hateful to us13. The strongest friendship and love often begins with hatred. I love watching movies! And I would like to find like-minded people with whom I could discuss films in the evenings. If you are also interested in this, then please, let's unite 🤗Join the free film club https://t.me/cinema_club_moscow The next meeting will take place on the film "Road" 60"