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Self-pity! At what point does it occur? How to recognize it? And what can we do to remain the master of our life? When something doesn’t happen to us the way we want, our consciousness is overwhelmed by feelings and it begins to seem to us that “this has never happened to anyone else, that we are the worst of all”! No, with our minds we understand what “was”! But then, our resourceful mind begins to slip us another provocation - “yes, it happened, but not like with you!” So, we conduct an internal dialogue with the most interested interlocutor - with ourselves. On the one hand, this feature of our inner world (the ability for internal dialogue) gives us the opportunity to feel like a separate being, but on the other hand... On the other hand, this same wonderful feature plays a cruel joke on us and, with a strong “life storm”, can lead and confuse our life is even stronger, and especially when pain or trouble comes to us. It “seems” to us that “no one else can understand us, no one has been in as much pain as we have been, no one’s life has reached such a dead end” and has not crumbled like a “house of cards.” We are conducting a mental dialogue. And victory and further progress depends very much on what position we take in this dialogue. We may decide that we are “the most unfortunate”, we “don’t have the strength to cope with this” and “in general, I’m the first one to whom this happened”! (And the feeling of internal isolation will help us with this!) In this way, we can easily slide into feeling sorry for ourselves and this will only intensify our feeling of “unhappiness.” Then we will start looking for those to blame, i.e. shift responsibility for what happened to someone else. Thus, we will violate one of the main laws of life - 100% responsibility. Well, if we are “all white and fluffy”, and our life was ruined by someone else bad, how can we change it? That's right, no! Do you think our lives will get better or worse? That’s right, over time it will sink “below the plinth”, but... But this will give enormous opportunities to feel sorry for yourself again and again! Isn't that a bright prospect?! And it all started simply – I took the wrong position in the mental dialogue! So what can we do when some event comes into our lives that turns our life upside down? Read more ...