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I’m a little tired of the abundance of training courses from marketing gurus and best-selling authors. So what if they haven’t written bestsellers, and they reduce marketing exclusively to sales. The main thing is that they teach others. Very reminiscent of the old joke from the series “how to earn your first hundred” - selling tickets to a seminar. Of course, I am not a guru, but I will be happy and completely free to share with you my thoughts on the topic of good texts. After all, if you subscribe to me, then it works. Be prepared to work hard. It only seems that the main component of a good text is inspiration. In fact, blogging is everyday work. If you position yourself as an expert in a certain field, you need to regularly generate high-quality and original content. It is not enough to simply repost other people's thoughts, no matter how interesting and correct they may be. Therefore, all posts and articles that appear on my blog are written by me and reflect my knowledge, thoughts and beliefs. With the exception of personal posts, I don't just write the first thing that comes to mind. I try to touch on relevant and topical topics, so it is important to keep my finger on the pulse, understand how my audience lives, and what problems are close to them. You must also be aware of the latest news and trends in the professional community. It is impossible to know everything, and in order to maintain expertise, it is important not to stop, to continue to learn and develop. Determine the purpose of your blog and your target audience. In order for your words to hit the target, this goal must be defined. Who are you writing for? What is important to these people? Why should they read you? It is equally important to understand why you are writing. What do you want to achieve? Recognition, fame and money? Attracting new clients? Creating a personal brand? How close do you want to get to your readers? Who do you want to become for them: an inaccessible scientist who broadcasts the truth, or the girl next door - a close and understandable person with similar feelings and problems? Different goals require different tools. Trust and Transparency: Trust is key. People reading you must believe you. They should understand where and what you studied, why you chose a particular topic for a post, what makes you emotional, and in what area your personal experience is indicative. The authority of a doctor's opinion or a pharmaceutical review is impossible without specialized education. But to test the scope of goods and services, it is enough to be a picky consumer and have common sense. Structure and style. Any text must be structured - regardless of length and topic. No one will read a rambling stream of consciousness. Try to fit the main idea and thesis into the first two paragraphs. Also, each format has its own amount of text. A text that is too long will be read to the end of the unit. Therefore, posts on social networks should be short and succinct. The optimal size of an article on FB is no more than 1500 thousand characters. But for specialized sites, 2,500 thousand characters are already required. For magazines - from 5 to 10 thousand characters. This text contains 4 thousand characters - so that you roughly understand what I mean. It is also very important to speak the language of your audience. You can’t sprinkle in jargon and refer readers to Google. It is important to explain in simple human language all aspects of what is written. Well, of course, you cannot ignore at least the basic rules of grammar and punctuation - this is, first of all, basic respect for the audience. Of course, there are people whose expert level is so high that they will be read, regardless of mistakes. But there are only a few of them. For others, there are a lot of applications that help make text readable. Feedback. It is important not only to write interesting texts, but also to respond to readers’ comments - especially if they ask clarifying questions or start a discussion on the merits. Therefore, if you position yourself as an expert, write about what you really know. Be prepared that colleagues and people no less literate than you will come to your page. It will be awkward if you!