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When a child appears in a family, many people wonder who he is like? Mom's eyes, dad's nose... and whose forehead? It is clear how and why children look like their parents externally... But internally... Children's reactions and behavior are also similar to their parents. How does this work? Children do not immediately perceive words, but they sensitively understand behavior and reactions, and unconsciously copy them. I would like to invite you to consider one of the wonderful illustrations of such a child’s copying of an adult’s reactions. At one of the Parent University training sessions, the projective technique “Man in the Rain” was carried out. This exercise is aimed at clarifying the subject's reaction to stress. So, this exercise was carried out with a mother and her child. Notice how similar the pictures are. The first illustration is a reaction to a life situation that excludes stress, the second illustration is the reaction of a person under stress. Now compare the work of a mother with the work of a child. See how similar the pictures are. The images are virtually identical. As it turned out during the work, these images were drawn separately from each other, and there was no copying of the drawing. The child copied the mother’s reactions. So children are not only similar in appearance to us, but also in many other aspects. And what we bear for children is our parental responsibility, or area of ​​awareness. There are no bad or good reactions. There are just reactions. The main thing to remember is that everything our children do is a parental contribution. There are no bad children. Thus, we can say that we pass on to our children not only our genotype, but also our experience of responding to various situations. Our reactions can be different, but if we remember that they are reflected in our children, copied by them, if we approach this consciously and responsibly, then we will give our children only constructive experience in responding to all sorts of external and internal stressors, of which there are many in our lives. We invite you to the Parent University training, where you can also understand something about yourself and your children. Other articles on the topic:- Constellation.- Projections.- Baby looks- Children are like a mirror