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From the author: Article published in the magazine "WHEEL OF LIFE" No. 7-8 (40), 2010, p. 67...The idea for the article was born after reading Klein Melanie - “Envy and gratitude. Study of unconscious sources “Do you want to know what determines whether a child will trust life or be afraid of it, use or neglect all his capabilities, feel RICH or poor? The recipe for happiness is actually very, very simple... Let's think about what many of us have to worry about every day. About the imperfect structure of the world, someone's injustice, lack of money or some other values ​​that cannot be bought with money, about the lack of opportunities, trampling on our interests, a feeling of disharmony... Redistribution of values ​​Many people (and even the most famous) need something . If this is not money or things that can be owned for money, these can be manifestations of friendship and love. Where does a person get the feeling of constant lack? Why do ideas arise about the insufficient quantity or imperfection of something? It is a common belief that life is a struggle for survival and procreation. But in the conditions of any crisis there is always a shortage - we ourselves cause it with our thoughts and ideas about life as an imperfect form of existence, where the need to fight prevails! Let's think about inflation. As you know, this word comes from Lat. “Inflation” in the financial sphere also means an increase in prices, leading to the depreciation of money. As a result, we cannot provide ourselves with food and other things at the same cost for the level of comfort that has become familiar. Psychologists say that inflation first begins in the world of our feelings. How does this happen? We must, on an unconscious level, feel a lack of love as a kind of fundamental material that can ultimately materialize certain things. One way or another, we do not feel satisfied either internally or externally. What is missing in content will not be enough in form... And as soon as we think about the reasons for the lack, it turns out that they rest on the unconscious... First idea of ​​inflation Let's go deeper. The unconscious is most powerful in a person during the prenatal (prenatal) period and the period from birth to 7-8 years. This is a time of defenselessness, carelessness, naive trust, the first manifestation of the purest and brightest feelings - friendship and love. What or who is at their origins? If you think about our very first deep feelings, then from the very beginning the image of a mother appears. And the very first image that is associated with the source of our pleasure and its satisfaction is mother’s milk. This is a symbol of caring and showing love. For a baby, this is the first love. It is from our mother that we learn to love. Only a mother or another person, showing concern for a helpless child, can evoke a reciprocal feeling in the baby. The feeling of love, as a rule, is known in comparison with the feeling of its lack. The more pleasure the baby receives (and the greatest pleasure can be brought to him by the mother's breast), the more frustration he may experience due to the lack of milk. It is at this moment that the first idea of ​​inflation arises. One way or another, milk as a source of pleasure does not belong to us. There is never enough milk and love! Whether the baby is given milk by the hour or on demand, or it depends on how soon the absent mother appears, it is a source of pleasure, and the main goal and desire of the child is to get it as quickly as possible. Here, a system of relationships arises between mother and child, in which the parties are initially not equal, since the baby is dependent. We were all in this situation. What does it all mean? Here's the thing: this is exactly the kind of relationship we have with life itself! With all the ensuing events and consequences. The feeling of lack, like the feeling of sufficiency, gradually develops in infancy.