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In adolescence and adolescence, it is common to think about one’s own appearance. And then there is a comparison with celebrities who serve as the standard of beauty. It is a rare teenager, girl, or woman who is completely satisfied with her body. Either the legs are thick, then the eyes are small, or the ears stick out. I encountered these complaints in my work. And such a technique arose. One of my colleagues told me that there are similar techniques. I don’t know, I haven’t seen it, maybe. So, the “My Body” technique can be used both in individual and group work. If you use it in group work, then read and talk about yourself as you wish. If you devote the work of correction to self-esteem, then you can re-apply the technique to track the dynamics of self-esteem. Goal: determining the attitude towards the bodily self and its correction, restoring the integrity of the bodily self. Materials: sheet of paper, pencils, pleasant soothing music. Stage 1. Draw your body. Not necessarily with all the details, clothes, accessories. Schematically: head, torso, limbs. Color in with a pencil (optional, except red and black) those parts of your body that you consider “weak”, that do not satisfy you enough. Mark with numbers from 1 according to the degree of satisfaction, with number 1 being the “weakest” part of the body, then according to the degree of decrease in “weakness”. Tell us why these parts of the body do not suit you. Now write a list: under number 1 – hips, 2 – feet. Write how to “strengthen” these parts of the body and correct them. For example: 1. Hips (eat right, do exercises for the thigh muscles, etc.) If it is impossible to correct, for example, the length of the foot, then find a positive in this (stand more steadily, always have this shoe size, etc.) Paint over yours with a different color "strong" parts of the body. Tell us about them. If the client says that he doesn’t like any parts of the body, then help him find them (beautiful fingers, shape of nails, eyes, smile, etc.) Stage 2. Relaxation. Pleasant, calm music is turned on. You can perform it lying down or sitting. Instructions: take a comfortable body position, arms and legs are not crossed. When I count to 5, you will close your eyes. In your head, select a point from which you will observe your body and illuminate certain areas with a ray. So, direct the ray to your right shoulder, feel how heavy it is. Next, slowly move the beam from the right shoulder down to the forearm, stay for a couple of seconds on the elbow, move the beam down to the hand, then go back up and move to the left shoulder, walk along the left arm. Then move to the right leg, move the beam from the chest to the foot, then from the right foot to the left and up the leg to the neck. From the neck up to the chin, lips, nose, forehead. Your body is relaxed. It gradually fills with strength, completely from the tips of the fingers to the top of the head. Your body is strong, filled with energy and light. When I count to 1, you will open your eyes. Grounding. Stand up and glue your feet to the floor. Feel the floor surface: hard-soft, warm-cold, smooth-uneven, smooth-rough. Reflection.- What do you feel in your body?- What emotions did this exercise evoke?- What thoughts arose during and after the exercise?