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From the author: Author "How to forgive a person when you cannot forgive him?" hypnotherapist Gennady Ivanov. Let the bigot repeat: “The spirit and the flesh are hostile.” The devil has nothing to do with it and God has nothing to do with it. Not with the body - the spirit enters into a struggle with itself, When in itself it is divided into two. Vadim Shefner. The Novgorod word “forgive” meant “to make simple,” that is, empty, empty, unoccupied. (Hence “get rid of” - get rid of, free yourself). Yes, yes - once upon a time the word “simple” was something of a synonym for the word “free”! True, the attitude towards this “freedom” was not the same as it is today. From those times the proverb “simplicity is worse than theft” came to us, because obedience to the law, based on the lack of intelligence, cannot be a virtue, much less valor. In modern courts there is even such a term as “sanity” - the ability to bear responsibility for one’s own actions. It is not by chance that we remembered the original meaning of one of the most important concepts in Christianity. Many of the mental illnesses that a hypnotherapist has to deal with represent a delayed decision to forgive - to make a person "simple." It turns out that the procedure of forgiveness is more important for the one who forgives! Man is a mysterious creature. Only Dostoevsky managed to penetrate his ethical nature. In order to somehow describe what he saw, he had to write a book. The result is a work in which there is no plot, no events (with the exception of the scene in the apartment of the old pawnbroker) - complete symptomatology, described by a person shocked by his discovery. For a hundred years now, everyone who has read Crime and Punishment cannot articulate why they like the book. There are no words, or the entire novel must be retold. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to sending everyone interested in the eschatological meaning of forgiveness to the “novel of novels”, simultaneously drawing attention to the fact that men under 28 years old (women, respectively, under 22 years old) are not recommended to read this work, since its text is intended for mature people - both in the intellectual and mental sense. Having closed the topic of forgiveness as our amazing need for humanity, let us turn our attention to the psychophysical effect, which is clearly visible to the specialist when the patient refrains from the forgiveness procedure. The whole point is that the person who has not forgiven like a tree rotting from the inside. Outwardly everything seemed fine, but a breeze blew and it broke. A person who has not forgiven can be recognized by the feverish lights flickering in the eyes and dry skin stretching across the cheekbones, because the unexpressed emotion continues to live, burning everything from the inside. When we refuse to forgive, we slowly die. And at the same time, there is not and never was a single hater who would wish himself dead. Many people remember the film “The Shot” based on the story of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. There, a retired hussar takes care of himself for six years, including neglecting the concept of honor, only in order to one day enjoy revenge. “Our Everything” showed us how personality is destroyed under the shadow of the idea of ​​personal superiority, and the image created by the actor M. Kazakov seems to physically allow us to feel the stench emanating from a person overwhelmed by this feeling. After all, he has already died, although he carefully monitors his health, and this conclusion sends us straight to the question of the meaning of life. A ghoul among living people is not the result of deferred revenge, but if you call a spade a spade, it is deferred forgiveness. In order for such a person to return to life, he needs to “simply” - resolve himself, get rid of a terrible burden. From a psychosomatic point of view, there are two options. The first is revenge. This is also a form of forgiveness, but only on the part of the one at whom the revenge is directed. The “stone from the heart” will be removed by the victim, but at the same time the ghoul will triumph in the rapist, completing his rebirth. The second option involves the ability to forgive yourself. Not everyone is capable of this step. The sight of yesterday's enemies crying on each other's chests.