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“What am I doing wrong again?” “What’s wrong with me?” These questions are familiar to each of us, especially when we are faced with mistakes and failures in our life. We begin to think about our actions, accept blame, and look for an explanation for our failures. As a result, we fall into the trap of unproductive thinking and paint ourselves into a corner. In this article, we will look at why these questions do not help solve the problem and what can be done to get out of it. this trap. We will also discuss how an alternative approach to thinking can help you achieve greater success and satisfaction in life. When you ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” and “What’s wrong with me?” Opens the door to self-criticism and negative thoughts. These questions negatively affect your self-esteem. At this point, you lose your sense of self-worth and suppress motivation, moving forward in your goal. You make your mistakes and failures more important than your Success, and sometimes this leads to the thought: “I’m a loser!” The desire to find reasons for failures in yourself can become obstacle to personal growth, stop you halfway towards achieving your goal, depriving you of self-confidence. However, when you ask yourself questions about what you are doing right and what you are good at, you begin to pay attention to your strengths and achievements. This allows you to see real progress. This mindset encourages you to continue to develop and improve. You can reframe the question and ask yourself: “What am I doing right?” or “What qualities of mine help me achieve success?” This approach helps you evaluate yourself differently and realize that you have many positive aspects. You begin to see your achievements and strengths, which in turn motivates you to continue moving forward and developing. What can you do to get out of this trap? To stop asking yourself questions about failures and mistakes made, start asking yourself other questions. I am this I call it: changing thoughts to equal, but opposite. It’s like also turning to yourself, but not with a minus sign, but with a plus sign. Since your attention is your strength. The minus sign is a negative attitude towards yourself and a decrease in self-esteem. The plus sign is a positive attitude towards yourself and respect for your qualities and achievements. What do you get in return? You learn to show kindness and compassion to yourself, instead In order to constantly criticize yourself and highlight your shortcomings, this helps reduce stress and increase self-confidence. Treating yourself as a loving person can increase self-esteem and increase your sense of self-worth. Instead of wondering, “What am I doing wrong?” - ask yourself the question “What am I doing right?” "What do I need to do to do this better next time?" Instead of wondering, "What's wrong with me?" - ask yourself the question “What opportunities do I have now to change this situation?” “What qualities of mine help me achieve success?” Important: Mistakes and failures are an inevitable part of the process of learning and growth. No one is perfect and we all face difficulties on the way to achieving our goals. Learn to learn from mistakes and use them as a platform for growth and development. So, instead of asking yourself questions about what I'm doing wrong and what's wrong with me, focus your attention on your strengths and real achievements. This will help you find inner motivation and a path to success. Also, do not forget to record your achievements. Not only significant ones, for example, set goals, but also small achievements in everyday life. Find your strengths and recognize your successes. If the article was interesting, show it - Say Thank you, write in the comments, share with friends. Thank you! © psychologist Vita Andaran 2023 Record whatsapp, telegram +7 (912) 616-99-47 Zen Inspector of your life Telegram Believe in yourself