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From the author: Published for the first timeContinuationStart here - https://www.b17.ru/article/7039/, https://www.b17.ru/ article/7040/ “I know what needs to be done on time and I need it, but I can’t bring myself to do it.” It has already become a habit, nature, character or personality trait. We can and should work on this. If you “discovered this”, understand that childhood may not have been cloudless, but it has already passed. And our parents raised us as best they could, and of course, they didn’t want to harm us - they just didn’t know how to raise us any other way and didn’t know how. Let's thank them for everything and try to help ourselves. The scheme of help is this: awareness – change. Working with a specialist is easier, faster and more efficient. How you deal with this is up to you - you are already an Adult (Adult)! :) Why is it important to do something about it? Everything is very simple". When you don't do something, you are still wasting your energy and your precious time. At this moment of “not starting” or “doing nothing” a lot of work is happening - thoughts like this are spinning in my head: “I have to take a report (exam) in a week, I should work on this... Oh well, I’ll still have time - “time is running out”... No Well, the last time I had to “rustle”, “there was already smoke like a rocker”, I barely had time, let’s get started and do it... Yes, I’m telling you, I’ll have time, I’m not feeling well right now (tired), etc .d. (substitute yours).” A sort of “push-pull” or a combination of “brake-gas” pedals - you can call it whatever you want, the meaning does not change: “Nothing has been done, but there is zero energy.” We spend a lot of emotions on dialogues of this kind (time was mentioned above), and yet “emotions are the fuel for our actions.” In such a situation, instead of moving, we simply “burn” ourselves... How do you like that? If we realized that something similar is happening to us, but have not yet decided to go to a specialist (for a consultation, group or training), we can at least start with this. We remember that we are already adults (see above) and that a habit is a certain set of actions that we are free (from the word “will”) to change. After all, arbitrariness is one of the qualities that characterize a person as an Adult, in contrast to impulsiveness - a quality inherent in a Child, which is also useful, but not in the case of changing “bad habits” and we are not talking about it now. We also remember that it takes 21 days to form (change) a habit. It is only bad habits that form on their own, without any effort on our part. :) We analyze the things that we just can’t begin to do, choose one from the list - the one we like the most. :) Now I’m not talking about which one you need to choose - the most important, the most annoying, or the one that pops up regularly before your eyes and, nevertheless, is not done, because it’s up to you to decide. So we decide like an Adult (barking). :) In my opinion, it’s better to start small, with something that will be easy for you to do, you just need to make sure that we do this thing day after day, as we decided, 21 days in a row and praise ourselves regularly for excellent the work done. Why is it better to start small? Because we will need to use our will to form the habit we want, and will is like a muscle. Have you ever squeezed and unclenched an expander? This is a rubber ring to train your arm muscles. So, when we squeeze it and hold it for as long as we can, and then release it, the muscle becomes incapacitated for some time, we need to rest, and then apply force again. In my opinion, even a non-athlete can understand which method of training is better to choose, so that there is no effect of “I’ll start on Monday... and finish on Tuesday.” :) It’s better to “choose a projectile” that is easy for you to handle regularly, then after some time, we will “pump up our muscle”, i.e. will and we will be able to move on to a more serious “projectile”. Again a situation of success and!