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We come into this world through our parents, and therefore each of us is 50% mom and 50% dad. However, we should not take this literally, knowing them as we know them) Each person has the potential of inheritance given from birth (genetic, physical, energetic). This is what is invested in us by the ancestral system of mom and dad (and 50/50 is about their ideal potentials) + what WE CAN strengthen/reveal in ourselves. Each of us has many talents and unique traits, thanks with which we can serve this world and realize ourselves in our own unique way. This is our strength, where we should put our resources and attention! Unlocked potential is when we have fully realized our unique set of strengths and talents, and also learned how to deal with our weaknesses in an environmentally friendly manner. But we have also been given fears, limitations, and negative emotions accumulated by our parents and the tribal system before them. In childhood, a child is not able to filter information; he adopts everything that his parents broadcast as the only correct example of existence in this world. This is how we adopt generic programs and attitudes, which are subsequently consolidated in our unconscious and from there guide our reactions and actions. And we don’t even notice it, believing that “this is who we are, these are our decisions and our reactions.” If there are restrictions and fears, for example, about money, success, relationships, then these areas sag in us, and we don’t We can understand what exactly is the reason. We are simply not able to see it ourselves, because... it is a deep part of us. Also, a child from birth is given his own ways of expressing and accepting love, which may not coincide with the ways of his parents. Then the child feels unloved, unvalued, unaccepted, unheard, ununderstood, etc. However, he cannot express all these emotions and his grief to his parents, out of fear? to lose the only source of security and survival. And this whole barrage of suppressed indignation, shame, resentment, anger, sadness is stored in us for many years, until we decide to lift it from the bottom and express it, live it outside. It is painful and not very pleasant at any age. But without this, separation from parents is impossible. Because it is this “baggage” that keeps us dependent on their assessment, recognition, love. We can be free only when we work through our emotions and accept our parents as not ideal, who chose to realize their potential, based on the responsibility they have assumed and the opportunities of time, in which they lived. BY ACCEPTING OUR PARENTS, we will be able to take responsibility for loving and caring for ourselves, without expecting anything from them. To understand this topic more deeply, I recommend the book by Yen Kang Zheng: “Become Your Own Parent: How to Heal Your Inner child and truly love yourself." Friends, please share how relevant this topic is? Do you have difficulties communicating with your parents? I invite those who want to quickly work through the “negative baggage” and start moving towards their best potential to a consultation.