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From the author: The article “Narcissistic personality disorder in the practice of a psychologist” briefly indicated the main criteria, clinical picture, etiology, etc. NLR. In this article I would like to dwell in more detail on the phenomenology of clinical manifestations of NPD and analyze them. Link to the article “Narcissistic personality disorder in the practice of a psychologist” https://www.b17.ru/article/92083/ Let us consider and analyze the phenomenology of the manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in more detail. "Grandiness" as a defining pattern of NPD. The fundamental feature of NPD is the image of grandiosity, which manifests itself in various spheres of life. People with NPD don’t just create an image, but do everything possible to live up to it. They are distinguished by their activity aimed at creating and maintaining this image, not in words, but in deeds. They do not show sufficient attention to people, due to the fact that those around them are not of particular interest to them. They are indifferent to their feelings, way of thinking, experiences, suffering, etc. “Others” are perceived by correlating them only with their own image. If the narcissist is treated well, maintaining an image of grandiosity, then the narcissist will become interested in that person(s). Otherwise, he is crossed out from the list of people worthy of attention, and his existence is simply forgotten. A person who expresses criticism towards a narcissist can destroy the image created with such difficulty - the critic becomes “dangerous”. In relation to him, a strategy of neutralization (inflation) is used, including a severance of relations, attempts to discredit him in the eyes of others, but, above all, in his own eyes, and ousting him as a significant figure from his consciousness. This feature, as a rule, greatly complicates the process of therapy for people with NPD. The narcissist experiences his grandiosity, as a rule, within himself. But also, grandiosity can be projected externally in the form of "ranking". Ranking is used in many life situations: “Which university is the most prestigious?”, “Who is better to meet in order to make the greatest impression?”, “Which specialist (in any field) is the “best” of all?”, “Which store is more elite?” .Persons with a narcissistic orientation prioritize prestige, without trying to realistically understand other aspects of the issue, from which, first of all, their children suffer. Children are used as extensions of the narcissistic self. Faces and objects used to enhance a person with NPD's self-esteem and grandiosity are called "narcissistic extensions." The “carriers” of narcissistic expansion are not perceived as independent actors or objects. By uniting with him, the subject with NLR idealizes himself, attributing to himself the achievements and virtues of the chosen person or object. Non-compliance with the narcissistic scenario leads to the devaluation of the idol, his “overthrow from the pedestal” (inflation and annihilation). “Being recognized as a “genius” is a credo of narcissism, metaphorically expressed in the feeling of being “chosen by the gods” and the possibility of achieving the pinnacle of success” [1]. Another important sign of NLR is the constant exaggeration of one’s achievements, abilities and talents. External manifestations are quite adequate. The main process occurs within the psychic reality, for which it is much more important to form, maintain and develop a sense of self-worth. High self-esteem is supported by fantasies. Emotional and cognitive spheres. One of the important manifestations of narcissism is the denial of feelings. Lowen considers this sign to be the main characteristic of narcissistic individuals. “Narcissists are insensitive to their own feelings, which explains their ruthlessness and exploitativeness towards other people. Contacts lack emotional resonance. If a narcissist is unable to feel, for example, the emotion of sadness or joy, he is unable to feel the sameemotions in other people. Denial of one’s own feelings inevitably leads to denial of other people’s feelings” [3]. Conscious reflections on the themes of one's own grandiosity are, as a rule, carefully disguised and hidden for fear of appearing ridiculous. Individuals with narcissism dream of genius and at the same time, due to internal uncertainty, experience a feeling of shame, which in psychoanalytic literature is called “narcissistic affect.” Nancy McWilliams emphasizes that “narcissistic individuals do not show feelings of gratitude, they are not repentant, they do not recognize their mistakes and miscalculations, it is very difficult for them to express their need for something. Manifestation of addiction or admission of guilt is perceived as something shameful” [2]. McWilliams also believes that “a feeling of shame and the fear of being shamed permeate the narcissistic personality” [2]. Shame in people with NPD is being perceived by others as bad or wrong. “Persons with NPD do not experience feelings of jealousy, grief, loss, if a person significant to them leaves them. The difference between this condition and the syndrome of loss of feelings and poverty of emotional participation is that in the latter case, patients experience loss of feelings, while narcissistic individuals do not have such experiences” [1]. The DSM criteria for NPD indicate “lack of empathy.” The sign of “lack of empathy” in NDR is not accurate enough. Rather, there is a distinct selectivity of empathy: its absence towards the experiences of other people and its aggravation if these experiences affect the image of grandiosity of the narcissist himself. Empathy correlates with hypersensitivity and wariness towards anything that can destroy the created image of grandiosity. “A narcissistic personality can be compared to a hypersensitive device tuned to capture the nuances of a critical attitude towards oneself” [2]. “In some cases, individuals with narcissistic manifestations may exhibit pathological empathy. If in relationships with people they expect some kind of trick from them in advance or find themselves in a situation that they consider dangerous for themselves, they can attach special importance to looks, statements, intonations, exaggerating their meaning, or even attributing them to their own account, although what is happening may not be directly related to them. Such a reaction is short-term in nature, limited to a specific situation, has no tendency to expand and therefore cannot be attributed to the characteristics of a paranoid disorder. If a communication partner causing wariness suddenly begins to speak positively about a narcissistic personality, hypersensitivity towards him disappears” [1]. The most typical emotion for individuals with NPD is the emotion of narcissistic rage, which arises in response to a reality that threatens the destruction of the narcissistic image of grandiosity. Narcissistic rage can manifest itself in attacks of aggression directed at oneself, others, or objects that come to hand. Typically, the objects of aggression reflect the psychological defense of displacement: “behavior is within the boundaries that ensure the safety of a person with narcissism, aggression is not manifested against persons causing this reaction if it is dangerous physically or socially” [4]. The reaction of rage to criticism is an important diagnostic sign of NPD. Another condition characteristic of NPD is a feeling of chronic envy, which does not allow one to live in peace. Comparison with those who have achieved something more in life than them makes their existence painful. Repression and well-developed psychological defenses help to cope with feelings, allowing you to suppress thoughts about the success of others and minimize its significance. The argument is that the achievements of others are random, the injustice that reigns around, the incompetence of those who evaluate the result of their work, etc. At first, these rationalizations have a calming effect, but the feeling of envy remains in the unconscious and constantly affects the current mental state. Persons with NPDthey avoid everything that pushes them to realize the dependence on other people that exists in reality. Time perspective. “The imagination of such people is mainly projected into the future. They live in future successes without fully experiencing the present. Due to lack of empathy, they do not understand the emotional reactions of other people. The limited nature of emotional reactions deprives them of the fullness of sensations. The fact that others can treat them positively or negatively, regardless of the results of their work, turns out to be incomprehensible. Narcissistic personalities are characterized by a peculiar attitude towards their past, which is actively repressed from consciousness. They do not want to think about the past and remember certain events and situations. Relationships with people with whom they communicated, places in which they lived, etc. are repressed into the unconscious. An attempt to push them down the path of memories causes irritation” [1]. Attitude towards others. Narcissists strive for the ruthless exploitation of others in order to achieve their goals. Narcissists have a pre-prepared script about how to “take advantage” of people as effectively as possible. “Others” facilitate access to resources for persons with NPD by performing such functions as complete release from various responsibilities necessary for survival: housework, economic activities, the need to earn money, etc. Persons of interest to the narcissist include those who can contribute to professional success. This number “includes people who are able to facilitate or ensure the establishment of contacts, create a professionally favorable environment; and also who belongs to the team of greeters, clapping hands, providing emotional support, giving compliments, admiring, i.e. all those who are part of the “support group” [1]. Among the members of the “Support Group”, a special place is occupied by a narrow circle of closest relatives, friends and girlfriends with whom you can share your achievements. The “approving audience”, as a rule, consists of people of other professions who do not deeply delve into the essence of the profession. Professionals who understand their specialty pose a potential threat due to possible competent criticism from them. Due to the presence of such a danger, they are not included in the circle of particularly close people. If a communication partner begins to play a different role, the relationship with him quickly ends. Professional success and attitude to work. The goal of a person with NPD is to achieve Success and strive for Glory. NLR holders “choose for themselves a field of activity that contains a greater potential for success. They do not strive for a routine, monotonous form of activity and, as a rule, choose creative professions for themselves. If life circumstances force them to engage in an activity that does not provide these opportunities, they have a negative attitude towards this work, show no interest in it and try to spend as little time as possible on it” [1]. Individuals with NPD can achieve great success in various fields: art, science, medicine, social sphere, etc. They can be admired and, at the same time, easily disappointed upon closer contact. People around them rarely realize the price that the narcissist paid for his success and how much those who are closely associated with them suffered from the realization of their narcissistic desires. If work is not related to personal achievements, people with NPD actually lead themselves as antisocial individuals. When checking their work, errors, shortcomings and shortcomings are discovered that were not made intentionally, but simply because the narcissist does not want to waste time on this, which he prefers to invest in the implementation of goals related to the sphere of her personal interests. They have a peculiar attitude towards the profession and goals and problems. They believe that what they do is the most important thing in the world. Everything else is not!