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There is no complete happiness with anxiety; complete happiness is calm, like the sea during summer silence. *****Anxiety and irritability are frequent companions of a person experiencing anxiety. An interesting fact is that anxiety differs from fear in the expectation of uncertain catastrophic events. However, various life situations that do not leave us the slightest chance to remain calm can cause irritation, anger or anger. When we are very anxious, we most often begin to take short, shallow breaths. This behavior, according to doctors, only increases the state of stress. Breathing is the most effective method for quickly reducing anger and anxiety. Artist Anka Bulgaru Imagine that you are walking through an endless field of flowers in your life, feeling the extraordinary smell of luck, a light breeze of peace walking with you... and suddenly all this pleasant changes to sharp tension, incomprehensible excitement and uncontrollable fear. What will you do in this case? You immediately want to firstly stop, and secondly look around. That is, check yourself, is it really necessary to start panicking? And if there are no visible reasons for this, but anxiety remains, then body-oriented therapy can be used. The simplest thing is to inhale completely deeply through the nose “into the stomach”, while the stomach should expand outward, and then slowly exhale from the mouth while the stomach “descends”, the so-called diaphragmatic breathing, which is the basis of all breathing practices. However, this breathing should not be confused with shallow breaths “into the chest”; such breaths will not help reduce stress. For some, three such inhalations and exhalations will already give a positive result. At the same time, you can close your eyes to relax and imagine your “place of power” (this could be a picture from childhood, where you feel easy and joyful, or it could be a memory from your travels, it could be anything that brings you peace and tranquility) Sometimes, to find peace, you need to immerse yourself in memories. Quote from the series “Blind Spot” The main thing is to learn the ability to quickly calm down so that an uncontrollable, spontaneous feeling of anxiety does not harm your health. Do you ever feel anxious? How are you coping? What techniques do you use? If you liked the post, don’t forget to like and click on the star ;). You can also share the post on social networks. Other breathing methods that will help you calm down can be obtained from a consultation with a specialist.