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When I say that I am engaged in the development of creativity and how important it is in the life of every person, I am often told this: “I work as a manager/secretary/accountant..., I don’t have any special needs at work I don’t have any creative hobbies either. I don’t understand why I should do this and how it can help me in life.” Since this question is quite common, I decided to write a detailed, clarifying answer. If you look at creativity not only as the ability to invent and create something, you can see the following: Creativity is based on the ability to think outside the box and broadly, without stereotypes and limitations. Because if we think in a standard way, then we will not create something fundamentally new and interesting. Every time we make any decision in life, we rely on our thinking. And if it is “blindfolded,” then the decision may not be the most successful. The thinking on the basis of which we now make decisions is formed from childhood. When children are small, they are all very inquisitive, creative, and ask many unusual questions that make many adults think . If you work with children, develop and support their curiosity, then you can easily raise anyone to be a genius. But it is curious and active children who are a problem for calm parents, kindergarten teachers and school teachers. Such children require a lot of attention, and in addition, they often baffle adults with their questions. And those, in order not to strain themselves too much and not to look like fools, begin to limit children’s initiative in every possible way. But they do this not because they are “bad”, but because they themselves were raised in similar conditions and do not know what to do. Instead of developing creative skills, children are taught to think “as it should, like everyone else.” As a result, children draw the same pictures, build the same houses, act as the same bunnies and snowflakes at matinees, and originality is not encouraged. When writing an essay, few people pay attention to the real thoughts of the children. All teachers know reliably and one hundred percent what Shevchenko, Gogol and Tolstoy wanted to say in their works. Therefore, to other options they immediately say, “Have you even read the book? How could such a thing even occur to you? After all, the struggle between light and shadow is clearly visible here. And you wrote complete nonsense.” By learning in this way, children begin to understand that thinking on their own is dangerous, for this they can be punished, disgraced in front of the whole class, or made to look like a fool. And as a result, we get a large number of people who think “like all normal people,” “correctly,” but in a very stereotypical way. In this simple way we are deprived of our natural ability to be creative. And it just seems like there’s nothing wrong with it. Things wouldn't be so bad if the ability to think outside the box only concerned creativity. But it is most directly related to our success in everyday life. Throughout our lives, we are always faced with a large number of tasks and questions that need to be solved. And if a person has not learned to think independently, outside the box, then the decisions he will make will be universal, stereotypical, but what’s worst, far from the best for this person. When the mind is mobile and spontaneous, then it makes no difference in which field to work no matter what to do, you can always find the best position and solution for yourself. Will you choose a new job, think about where to find new clients, how to organize an event, where to spend a day off and vacation, and even how to deal with this or that person - all this will be very easy and simple. Another option The application of “everyday creativity” can be illustrated by the saying “Laziness is the engine of progress.” I know from myself that I often come up with new, non-standard, interesting solutions for life and work, just to avoid doing what I don’t want. And in the end, this turns out to be not just a good, but a brilliant solution. In addition, the ability to creatively .