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From the author: People with a high level of values ​​are burned and crucified by those who do not understand how they live and what they are talking about. In ordinary life, if you are trolled, it means your level of values ​​is higher. And if they carried you to the stake, then you can consider yourself God. Albeit schematically, but invariably accurately describing the stages of development of humanity as a whole and of man in particular, a theory called “Spiral Dynamics”. I love her very much because she clearly allows me to explain, for example, the phrases “I have outgrown him”, “we cannot find a common language”, etc. The person even describes the relationship in terms of “she remained at the same level, and I moved forward.” Some laugh: “Well, what kind of nonsense? Well, what kind of development? What kind of self-improvement?” For them, these concepts really look like nonsense, because such values ​​do not yet exist in their system. This socio-evolutionary theory was developed in the 1970-90s by the American psychologist Claire Graves, and then by his followers, Chris Cowan, Don Beck and Ken Wilber. It has been observed that most people go through certain stages in their development, with some moving on and some getting stuck. Studies in cultures other than the West have shown that individuals in these cultures exhibit the same stages, with the only difference being that in less developed cultures, most of the population is in earlier stages of development (although this does not exclude the emergence of individual thinkers of a higher order). The theory states that thinking style and living conditions are inextricably linked. The process of transition to a new level is not something irreversible or inevitable; moreover, it is impossible to jump from one level to another without skipping the next step. Each successive stage of development satisfies needs that were not satisfied (or were suppressed) by the previous stage of development of civilization or man. As a result, the highest levels of development of society and man do not deny, but include the previous ones. The size of the article does not allow us to describe the levels of development in detail, but, nevertheless, you can get an idea of ​​the level of your values ​​and the people around you. So... The first order spiral is EXISTENCE. 1. BEIGE “Survivor” - automatic, instinctive thinking. (Starts 100,000 years ago) Main Theme: Doing whatever is necessary to stay alive. Characteristic Beliefs and Actions: Uses instincts and habits just to survive. Individual Self is weakly expressed. Priorities: Food, Water, Shelter, Sex and Safety. Forms survival groups to prolong life. Ethics: None. What is ethical is what promotes survival. Communication strategies: Taste / Touch / Smell / Vision / Hearing; Simple appeal to the senses. Where observed: primitive people, newborn babies, elderly people, late stages of Alzheimer's disease, mentally ill people, homeless people, starving masses, drug addiction, wartime neuroses. Prerequisites for the transition to a new level: awareness of oneself as an individual, comprehension of cause-and-effect relationships, concern for survival, which requires group interaction. 2. PURPLE “Magical” - mystical, tribal thinking. (Starts 50,000 years ago. Now 10% of the population, 1% of the power) Main theme: Appease the spirits and maintain comfort and safety in the tribal "nest". Characteristic beliefs and actions: Obeys the desires of the spirits and mystical omens. Shows loyalty to the "main thing", chief, elders, ancestors and clan. Preserves sacred objects, places, events and memories. Observes rituals associated with stages of life, seasons and tribal customs (baptism, dedication, initiation, etc.). Ethics: Everything that goes on is ethical benefit of the tribe. Communication strategies: Ritualistic. Honoring strong personalities, appealing to the concepts of family, sharing, security and magic. Where observed: Belief in guardian angels and curses, blood oaths, long-standing feuds, ritual songs and trancedances, love spells, family rituals, mystical ethnic beliefs and prejudices. Particularly noticeable in third world countries, criminal gangs, sports teams and corporate "tribes". 3. RED “Impulsive” - self-centered, power thinking. Level of the gods of power. (Starts 10,000 years ago. Now 20% of the population) Main theme: Be who you are and do what you want, no matter what. Characteristic beliefs and actions: The world is a jungle full of dangers and predators. Unacceptable no restrictions or dominance to please yourself the way you want.Always on alert, waiting for attention, demanding respect, giving orders.Maximum pleasure right now without guilt or remorse.Any methods are good to win.Ethics: Who is stronger , he’s right. Communication strategies: Direct, sharp manner of speaking. Strong. “What is my benefit here and now.” Cheap, "simple" glitter. Where seen: Selfish little children, rebellious teenagers, feudal kingdoms, epic heroes, mercenaries, unbridled rock stars, riot police, Picasso, street gangs, African kingdoms. 4. BLUE “Goal-oriented” - conformist thinking. (Starts 5,000 years ago. Now 40% of the Earth's population, 30% of power) Main theme: Life has meaning, direction and purpose, as well as predetermined results. Characteristic beliefs and actions: Man sacrifices himself for the sake of Mission, Truth or righteous Path. Law prescribes rules of conduct based on eternal, absolute principles. Righteous living gives stability in the present and guarantees reward in the future. Impulsivity is curbed by guilt; everyone knows his place. Laws, regulations and discipline shape moral qualities and strength of character. Ethics: Religious or atheistic Order or Truth. Communication strategies: Respect for the “system”, appeal to tradition, self-sacrifice, length of service, patriotism and stability in the future. Where observed: Puritan America, Confucian China, Hasidic Judaism, code of chivalry and honor, charity events, Salvation Army, Islamic fundamentalism, patriotism, “developed” socialism. 5. ORANGE “Achievementist” - materialistic, achievement-oriented thinking. (Starts 1,000 years ago. Now 20% of the population, 50% of the power) Main theme: Act in your own interests, and the main thing is to win. Characteristic Beliefs and Actions: Change and progress are inherent in the nature of things. Progress through learning the secrets of nature and finding the best solutions. Using the Earth's resources to create and spread abundance everywhere. Optimistic, risk-taking and self-believing people deserve their success. Foundation the prosperity of society is strategy, technology and competition. Ethics: Secular law above all. Communication strategies: Successful, high role models. Images of success, achievement, personal growth. “Sophisticated” brilliance.Where observed: Age of Enlightenment, philosophies of “success”, preachers of “luck”, developing middle class, cosmetics industry, chambers of commerce and industry, colonialism, popular culture, “capitalists” of the USA, Western Europe, silicone implants, many celebrities of show business and glamorous parties. 6. GREEN “Social” - sociocentric thinking. (Starts 150 years ago. Now 10% of the world's population, 15% of power) Main theme: Finding peace within the soul and being with others in a compassionate, socially caring form of society. Characteristic beliefs and actions: The spirit in man must be free from greed, dogma and separatism. Emotions, sensitivity and concern prevail over cold rationality. Distribute the earth's resources and opportunities equally among all. Achieve solutions through interaction and the development of common opinion. Renew spirituality, bring harmony and enrich the human environment. Ethics: Laws are important, but they must serve the well-being of all. Communication strategies: Warm, people-oriented, rallying speeches. Supporting and “helping” images with