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Have you ever thought about who we enjoy communicating with and who we don’t? So, most people prefer to communicate with optimists. But the thing is that each of us strives for positive-minded people, like a sunflower to the sun. People tend to avoid those who are almost constantly loaded with negatively charged emotions. We are attracted like a magnet to friendly, friendly faces that radiate optimism, confidence and calm. And we also smile in response, as if a magical ray of joy had touched us, we are “charged” by the smile of such an optimistic person, instilling confidence in us. But to the smile of a person who is in a constant low mood, in a certain minor, we will answer carefully, and such a meeting usually does not bring joy, except perhaps thoughtfulness, worries... I agree, it is very pleasant to communicate with an optimist, because he looks like a winner, and it is difficult to communicate with a pessimist, because he does not look so presentable. It turns out that if we decided to be successful people in communication, then we will have to work on ourselves and our image. And here is why this will have to be done. An optimist is always focused on the future, confident in his success, sees the bright side of reality, usually does not look for those to blame, but looks for ways out of the current situation. It turns out that he is walking on the bright side of life and that is why everyone easily accepts him as a winner. But a pessimist always does not have enough time to do what he had to do, to complete his work on time and according to plan. An optimist always finds this time and tries to complete the work on time. A pessimist is more likely than an optimist to not keep his promises; a pessimist makes excuses in such cases, and an optimist really explains. A pessimist has two speeds of movement towards a goal: hysterical and apathetic. An optimist sets his own pace of work. A pessimist makes much fewer mistakes, because... out of fear of committing them, he is concentrated on difficulties, which means he tries to do less of anything himself in general, tries not to take responsibility whenever possible. But there are no mistakes, no experience. But an optimist is focused on the opportunities that life throws at him and tries to take advantage of them, because he builds his life himself, and hence the risk of making mistakes is higher, but the experience is greater. Therefore, it turns out that where the pessimist has the end and ruin, the optimist has the beginning of difficult work. And it is not surprising that one gives up and worries, while the other simply stubbornly moves towards the intended goal. And the most surprising thing is that an optimist is confident in himself even when he has lost. I am confident because he does not consider this loss as a downfall and the end of his life; he is focused on the future, aimed at realizing his goals and objectives, which means he is confident that every problem has a solution that just needs to be found. An optimist does not think about losing again, he thinks about how to win. He approaches life and problems creatively, overcoming which he only becomes more confident. Agree, it is much better to be an optimist than a pessimist. But is it possible for a pessimist to become an optimist? Why not? Only for this he will have to overcome his fear of failure, accept that defeats are natural, they are a step towards experience and wisdom. Then he will have to get used to the fact that he needs to have his own opinion without regard to what “everyone” will say. Consequently, a pessimist will have to get used to the fact that all responsibility for his life, behavior, actions, deeds lies only with him, and not with his environment and well-wishers. This will give him a chance to develop personal confidence (I’m not talking about self-confidence), responsibility and determination, which will certainly bring victory and the joy of life. Go for it! Other articles on this topic that may be of interest to you: - A confident person. - Code of competent communication - Feat of communication.