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Recent events, including self-isolation, have shaken the daily routine of many people. And this creates an additional source of stress. Meanwhile, the daily routine is what helps maintain self-control in a crisis. And also create a feeling of control over the situation, which means coping with anxiety and reducing stress. How to normalize the daily routine? Exercises to normalize the daily routine Exercise “Four Sectors”. Draw a circle. Divide it into 4 sectors. Everyone has their own, for example, work, family, emotions, health. Plan 1 - 2 things in each of these areas for today. These should not be global goals and achievements, write something simple. And having completed your plan, be sure to praise yourself. Exercise “Golden Minute”. It is advisable to combine this exercise with the first. What to do if you have planned something, but you can’t do it? There is absolutely not enough energy, time or resources. Set the timer for 1 minute and start any of the planned tasks. But just be sure to start! When the timer beeps, reward yourself. It doesn't matter whether you finished or not. If you want, continue, if not - well, okay, you can finish here. Exercise “My Day”. Draw a circle. Divide it into sectors. There will be an arbitrary number of sectors. But it is important that they include everything you do during the day. In the sectors you enter the time you spend on these activities. For example, sleep – 8 hours, work – 8 hours, food – 1 hour, social networks – 3 hours, walks – 2 hours, hygiene procedures – 1 hour, hobbies – 1 hour. The total should be 24 hours. Then carefully analyze the chart and think about where too much time is spent and where too little time is spent. For example, you can reduce your time on social networks. And increase on hobbies. Next, draw a diagram that is optimal for you, distributing the time so that it suits you. And for 1 - 2 weeks, make sure to stick to the new routine, gradually increasing the “useful” time and reducing the useless or harmful. What else helps to normalize the daily routine To normalize the daily routine, it is important to remember a few more things: This is not a single action. Normalizing your daily routine will take time, and it is important to use the techniques you choose every day. Goals should be realistic. If social networks now take up 4 hours of your time, you are unlikely to be able to give them up in one fell swoop. Try to reduce the time you spend on them a little every day. For example, for 15 – 30 minutes a day. You can use timers and time tracking applications. Don’t forget to praise yourself for the slightest success!