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Whims or diagnosis: young mothers have to suffer from guilt for their bad mood Interview with psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, CPT-Russia specialist Evgenia Fominykh to the Nizhny Novgorod News newspaper No. 43 (4896) dated March 14, 2012 Scientists have proven that the condition of the mother in the first months after childbirth greatly affects the emotional and intellectual development of the child. And at this time, 50 - 60 percent of mothers, according to experts, experience neurotic disorders, they suffer from depression of varying severity, up to postpartum psychosis, when a parent can kill herself or her newborn child. They deny depression We talk about postpartum conditions with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist at the Nizhny Novgorod Women's Crisis Center, member of the Nizhny Novgorod psychoanalytic group, Evgenia Fominykh. - Postpartum depression is a serious problem. According to domestic and foreign studies, 10 - 15 percent of women experience pronounced mood changes after childbirth. The birth of a child is considered a happy event, so women may feel guilty about their condition. Because they are afraid of being judged, they deny they have depression and do not seek medical or psychological help on time. Relatives of a young mother may also not recognize this illness. They usually explain its manifestations by “whims” or changes in a woman’s character after childbirth. - What are the causes of a depressed state? The very fact of pregnancy can create psychological problems if it is unplanned or unwanted. Hormonal changes in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, possible complications (toxicosis, bleeding, miscarriages, premature birth) also affect the condition of the young mother. Risk factors include depression suffered before pregnancy, mental disorders in close relatives. Of the factors not directly related to pregnancy, the development of postpartum depression is influenced by the lack of a partner capable of a long-term relationship and caring for the child, the low educational and professional level of the woman, the lack of lack of stable work, low income, housing problems. The birth of a child dramatically changes a woman’s usual lifestyle, her body, relationships with her husband, with other children, if any, with her parents. Some women find it difficult to accept the loss of their pre-maternal identity and react to it with depression. Being late is fraught with - What can be called the main symptoms of this disease? Most often, depression develops one to two months after childbirth. The main signs are depression, anxiety, tearfulness, irritability, severe fatigue, loss of interest in what previously gave pleasure, thoughts of one’s own guilt and uselessness, perception of oneself as a bad mother, obsessive fears (fear of touching the child, accidentally harming him , excessive concern for the baby’s health).Emotional disturbances are accompanied by various bodily symptoms - insomnia, loss of appetite, weight loss, headaches, palpitations, a young mother may lose milk, she refuses to breastfeed. As a rule, depression goes away on its own within 3-6 months, but sometimes it takes a protracted course and can last up to 1-1.5 years. - When is it necessary for new mothers to consult a specialist? Contacting a specialist is mandatory if symptoms of depression persist for several weeks, or it is difficult or impossible for a woman to communicate with others, do household chores, or care for a child due to her condition. In mild cases, you can limit yourself to psychological counseling or psychotherapy. Severe depression requires medical treatment - the prescription of antidepressants. Women with the most severe forms of depression, with thoughts of suicide, with desires to harm themselves or their children need help: 422-71-22