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Many parents dream of their child achieving outstanding academic achievements and results. But impeccable studies are not always good, and sometimes even prevent you from living a normal life. What is the excellent student complex and what are its further consequences if you leave everything as it is? Of course, active educational activity and high academic achievements can bring a lot of useful things to your child’s life. The child can receive recognition from teachers, which will increase and strengthen his self-esteem, there will be an opportunity to enter a prestigious educational institution and the chances of a successful career will increase. However, if being an excellent student is already a habit, then the consequences can be devastating! Overload and emotional exhaustion. A student who constantly studies and strives to get only the highest scores may face health problems. Frequent symptoms are insomnia, nervousness, depression; not all of them can be treated quickly. If an excellent student does not receive the highest grade, then a real tragedy and emotional exhaustion sets in for him, since he spent all his energy on preparation. Inability to accept himself and healthy criticism. A child who receives only high grades may face serious disappointment, if something suddenly doesn’t go according to his plan. Also, he cannot simply accept someone else’s criticism, he will definitely think that he is the smartest person who cannot make mistakes. The threat of losing interest in life. Everyone has faced a lack of time due to various tests and homework. Imagine how hard it is to be an excellent student when you have not only homework and tests, but also the most difficult Olympiads! Such a high workload can discourage you from doing anything else and will inevitably lead to a lack of social life. Striving to achieve certain results is a completely good idea. However, when it becomes a personal complex, it can lead to long-term consequences. Even an almost best result will be perceived as a defeat, which does not lead to anything good. It is important to understand that excellent academic performance is not the only indicator of success in life. Success is when you are happy and busy with what you love! Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship consultant, Ilya Akhmedov.