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When we meet a person, pictures and expectations immediately appear in our heads. By ourselves. Under the influence of the hormones of love: testosterone, estrogen, endorphin, we idealize the picture, imagine everything as we dream. A partner as the owner of all the desired qualities. And we imagine that he will behave the way we imagined in our dreams. This is all wonderful and fills us with an incredible flight of happiness. But these pictures are always far from reality. And it is the discrepancy between expectations and reality that can destroy the beauty that you can actually create. But reality can be so beautiful. But what to do? If pictures of expectations are drawn by themselves? Notice this. And change your role, your inner feeling. Every person has an incredibly beautiful Universe. Don't push him into your expectations. Allow it to manifest itself in all its splendor. Change your state from expectation to a state of INTEREST. “I wonder what he is like?”, “I wonder what will happen next?”. Believe me, your partner intuitively believes this is your state and it will reveal it and will include the desire to prove oneself. When we expect something from a person, then when we receive it we take it for granted. And this devalues ​​the person’s efforts for you. And if we expect something and don’t receive it, then we don’t notice the actions that the person is doing for us at that time. And these can be the most amazing manifestations of attention and care, everyday little things. We will not notice them, because we are focused on what we expected and did not receive. Reality will open up unexpectedly more beautiful if you can remove these expectations and interact with interest. Very a state similar to expectation - ENVY. When we are focused on the object of what we want. By actually envying someone, you thereby claim that you do not and cannot have it. If you imagine that you can achieve the same desired result as someone else - then you feel inspired, motivated to act. Watch, learn from it and take actions to achieve the same. If there is no such inspiration, and the feeling is unpleasant, namely envy, then you have already forbidden yourself to have it in advance. And here all opportunities to get what you want are already closed. Plus, when you envy, the body experiences negative feelings. And it will protect you from them and the subconscious will further distance the object of envy in order to protect you. The path to your dream becomes even more thorny. In general, the prospects are not very good in any case. How to get rid of envy? Observe when you experience these feelings. Review your social media followings. Leave those who inspire you, unfollow those who annoy you. Don’t waste your energy. If you dig into the essence, then behind that beautiful result that you envy there may be incredible work, restrictions, and human investments that we don’t see. It's all behind the scenes. Are you really ready for such restrictions and sacrifices? What is behind this picture? Write what is behind the dream you want. And what restrictions will you have to accept? After this, most likely, the feeling of envy will decrease. 95% of problems in relationships come from expectations. How to foresee this? Talk to your partner both at the beginning of the relationship and after a few years. Say what is important to you in a relationship, what you expect. And let your partner, having become acquainted with these expectations, answer what he is ready and wants to give you. Make it mutual. If it doesn’t work out and there is no such experience, this can be done within a safe space in consultation with a psychologist. Be happy! To schedule a personal consultation, you can call or write to the contacts indicated in your profile.