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In childhood, our ideas about ourselves and the people around us are formed. Gradually, these ideas become beliefs. In accordance with them, the child makes decisions about how to live, what to do, what can be done and what cannot be done. Based on beliefs and early decisions, a person’s entire subsequent life takes shape. If something goes “wrong” in our life, does not suit us, in therapy we can see what beliefs and decisions lead to an undesirable result. And change them. Example from practice. Permission for publication was received from the client, the name has been changed. Fedor has been married for ten years. His family lives in an apartment donated by his wife's father. But Fedor feels like a “tenant” there. He regularly brings home his salary and follows all his wife’s instructions. His responsibilities include shopping for groceries and walking with his daughter, rare sex. His wife is constantly dissatisfied with something and makes comments to her husband. Her grumbling resembles the “buzzing of a mosquito.” Twice a week Fyodor “relaxes.” He spends his evenings in the company of friends, drinking light and “not very” alcoholic drinks. A month ago, Fedor met a girl. It turned out that you can talk to her, she knows how to listen and even says pleasant words to Fyodor. For the first time, the man thought: “Is this how I live?” The desire to go home disappeared, and he decided to “live separately.” Fyodor’s decision greatly surprised and upset his wife. She was sincerely confident that she was a “good” wife. The house is always in order, there is delicious food, the child is under supervision. Fedor rented an apartment. He meets his new friend and regularly comes home to play with his daughter. At our meeting, Fedor says that he is “tired of bending over” to his wife, but is afraid of making a mistake by choosing divorce. The man believes that he “sees his path.” I suggest that he draw this path. In the drawing, Fedor is sailing on a “boat” towards his dream. When analyzing the drawing, it turns out that the depicted Fedor is only seven years old. The boy has no ears because he does not want to hear criticism and constant quarrels from his parents. And his eyes are “empty” because he doesn’t want to see what’s happening around him. I don’t want to see the actions of “adults” who are not adults at all. The fish symbolize Fyodor’s desires. The yellow fish is the desire to have a family. The red fish located in the picture below is the desire to have money. The red fish located in the picture above is the desire for development and learning .Blue fish - movement towards life and love. Already at this stage it is clear that Fedor shares love and family. For him these are different “fishes”. The boy does not look in the direction of desires. These are the desires of an adult man. The boy's desires are to play and take a walk. He looks towards the shore. The child does not want responsibility. The ship seems big to him, “I can’t pull it alone, I need a team.” Adult Fyodor stood behind the little one to support him. Seven-year-old Fedya feels protected. His hair grows. According to Fyodor, this is a sign of growing up. He believes that “hair is like antennas, it’s unusual, it attracts others.” Ears appear to hear people and communicate with them. Fyodor draws the boy’s pupils so that he can see his interlocutor, as well as eyelashes: “to be pleasant.” From Fyodor’s comments it becomes clear that it is very important for him to please people, because it is difficult to withstand discontent and aggression. The adult Fyodor is depicted naked, without clothes, “unprotected " Fyodor explains vertically drawn hair on an adult as follows: “the hair “stands on end” because the adult Fyodor is frightened by the responsibility for the little one.” When clothes “cover the body,” he feels warm and loved, the fear gradually decreases. The adult Fyodor continues to watch towards the shore, like little Fedya, because he doesn’t know how to live, what to do. He looks at what people do, what they do. Fyodor's greatest interest is in working on the computer. As a teenager, he went to a computer club on his own, figured it out on his own, and achieved “great success.” Thoughts that he was smart and.