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Conflict is the most acute way to resolve significant contradictions that arise in the process of human interaction. The emergence of conflicts is due to the action of four groups of reasons: objective, organizational and managerial, socio-psychological and personal. Objective reasons include: 1. The collision of material and spiritual interests of people in the process of their life. For example, there is one vacant position for deputy director, but there are two applicants for it.2. Weak development of legal and other regulatory procedures for resolving social contradictions. Our society has not yet developed effective, standard methods for protecting human interests and rights.3. People's lifestyle. Material and everyday instability, the inability to realize one’s abilities and creative potential lead to an increase in the level of conflict in most people. Organizational and managerial reasons: 1. Inconsistency between the structure of the organization and the requirements of the activities in which it is engaged. If the organization is called a “Beauty Salon,” then its staff should include (at a minimum) an administrator, a cosmetologist, a hairdresser and a cleaner, and not one hairdresser who also works part-time as an administrator, a cosmetologist and a cleaner.2. Functional and organizational. External relations of the enterprise with other organizations must correspond to the tasks being solved and ensure their implementation. The same requirements must be met by the relationships between the structural divisions of the organization and between individual employees.3. Mistakes made by managers and subordinates. An erroneous management decision or an employee’s failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him by management can cause a conflict over this issue. Social and psychological reasons are: 1. A person or both people may play different roles than the interaction partner expects from them. So, if the “junior” (subordinate, child) decides to give instructions to the “senior” (boss, parent), then a conflict may arise.2. Approaching the problem from different angles. There are as many opinions as there are people, but we are sometimes sensitive to points of view that are different from ours, to criticism of our position.3. Preference for members of one's own group over members of another group. “My son is a well-mannered boy! It’s your Petya who has a bad influence on him!”.4. Psychological incompatibility of people. A person with one psychological type may not understand a person of another type, due to different life values ​​and ways of perceiving the world.5. Loss or distortion of information during human interaction. People's misunderstanding of each other is the main cause of conflicts and greatly complicates the resolution of contradictions. The personal causes of conflicts are associated with the individual psychological characteristics of its participants. The increase in the level of conflict is influenced by: 1. Temperament. Emotional, unrestrained, easily excitable choleric people and touchy, vulnerable melancholic people have more conflicts than sociable sanguine people and balanced phlegmatic people.2. Level of aspiration. People who live with the attitude of “I want everything at once” are more conflicted than people with a realistic view of the situation.3. Social attitudes and values. If for a person material goods (car, apartment, bank account) and social status (position, popularity) come first, then he will be more conflicted than a person for whom family, friendship, harmonious relationships are more important.4. Human communicative competence. A person who does not know how to listen, clearly convey his thoughts to others, or criticize constructively will be a constant participant in conflict interactions. Most of us perceive conflict as something negative that should be avoided. But any conflict contains not only negative, but also positive sides. The negative consequences of the conflict include: - Emotional costs of the participants +79045485589