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Speech, words allow us to convey information. However, we do not always understand a person correctly. Even in oral speech, seeing the interlocutor, it is easy to make a mistake. For example, it is difficult to understand emotions in correspondence, and often the sender means one thing, but the recipient understands something completely different. But psychology does not stand still. If previously only written and oral speech were studied, now attention is also paid to messages in instant messengers. What do we pay attention to when initially studying a message? They sent you a message, and you think, what did the sender mean, what did he feel, what was the actual thought? tried to convey. Let's look at what you should pay attention to when analyzing text. Message length. They may send you a detailed, emotional text or, conversely, a very short, concise one, without unnecessary digressions and emoticons. An open person will most often write long messages. Closed people who are not ready to let others into their world will write briefly and clearly to the point. It is important to take into account this point: you can be open or closed not only with everyone, but also with a specific person. That is, if they answer you briefly and monosyllabically, then most likely there is no particular desire to communicate with you or you have not yet entered the circle of trust. Long messages are written by people who are emotional, sociable, and love gossip; it is important for them to pour out as much information as possible to the other person. They are not afraid to speak their mind or be misunderstood. However, keep in mind that if the text is too short, consisting, for example, of interjections, simple sentences, with a small vocabulary, this may indicate a weak level of education and inability to express one’s thoughts. Peculiarities of message breakdown. Messengers allow you to break messages into paragraphs for the convenience of users. But some senders write in continuous text, so it is completely inconvenient to read. There is a category that breaks a thought into several separate short messages. People who limit themselves to one or two messages like order, are responsible, consistent, and value the time of others. Those who break thoughts into many small messages are disorganized, disrespectful of the personal space of others, they do not care that instead of one message the recipient will receive several. Errors. Typos and mistakes can occur in anyone. But there are two extreme categories: some write with a huge number of errors, others check every comma before sending. People who write without errors are distinguished by attentiveness, pedantry, and responsibility. In some situations they can be boring because they strive for perfection. If a person does not care at all about the correct spelling of words and sentences, he is inattentive, and chaos can reign in his life. People with a fast type of thinking, creative people can also make mistakes because they write quickly and cannot keep up with the flow of thoughts. However, now telephones and computers automatically correct words to the correct ones, so it is only possible to partially assess the degree of literacy by correspondence. If a person puts a lot of commas in unnecessary places, we can talk about a low level of literacy, but the desire to write correctly. Smileys. Those who use a large and unlimited number of emoticons are characterized by immaturity, limited vocabulary, and inability to express a correct thought in correspondence. No emoticons at all - a serious conversation; emojis are not welcome in business correspondence. To enhance the emotionality of a word, to emphasize a certain attitude (negative, positive), one or two emoticons or emojis are usually used. Ellipses. Sometimes there are too many of them in a message. The sender is unable to fully express emotions, find words, then he uses ellipses. Voice messages. This is a separate topic. It’s convenient to send them, but it’s not always possible to listen to them, especially since, unlike regular messages, voice messages can last for several minutes. Lovers.