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For many people, the morning and getting ready for work in the morning is a difficult ordeal. Not only is there a hard day at work after this, but everything falls out of hand, things are missing, coffee spills, tights are torn, socks are missing pairs, hair lies like a fool, children don’t want to go to kindergarten or school, and you don’t want to get out of bed at all. And at this time, the “gurus” of conscious life are “healing” about some kind of morning practices, meditations and gratitude diaries. Let’s think about what can be done to survive this whole morning nightmare. Waking up will be easier and more pleasant if the bedroom is cool, The window is open and there is an influx of fresh air. Even in winter, or rather, especially in winter, since during the heating season the indoor air becomes very dry and too warm. In a cool room, a person sleeps better and feels fresher. It is better to cover yourself with a bunch of blankets, but sleep with ventilation, than to suffer from the heat. It’s also good to open the curtains immediately after getting up to let natural light into the room (in winter, when waking up early, this doesn’t work, but during periods of long daylight hours it’s better not to neglect this rule). Make it a habit to breathe deeply in the first few minutes after waking up (this will saturate your brain oxygen), yawn well and stretch (while stretching, by the way, endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness). Prepare everything in the evening and teach your children to do this. Thanks to this, you will avoid an incredible number of unpleasant situations and hysterical preparations in the morning. Clothes for kindergarten, textbooks and notebooks for school, your lunch, your chosen outfit - all this should be ready in the evening. You can even think about breakfast, but this is just the pinnacle of mindfulness. Stick to a sleep schedule - try to get up and go to bed at the same time. When you went to bed at 23.00 all week, got up at 6.30, and surfed the Internet until four in the morning on the weekend, getting up the next day at lunch - your body will not say “thank you” to you. Of course, small deviations are acceptable, but not so grandiose. After the alarm rings and stretches, immediately sit up and put your feet out of bed before your brain has time to make a drama out of it and come up with a hundred reasons why you should set the alarm clock ten minutes later. If you Already got up, but your brain refuses to think clearly - take a shower. But again – cool. After a warm shower, you probably want to wrap yourself in a soft terry towel and fall into a warm bed, however, your goal is different. Remove journaling and other fashionable practices from your morning plans if they stress you out. It doesn’t matter when you do them - in the morning, in the evening or during a break at work. The main thing is the result and consistency, and not the time of day when you did it. Of course, the most important key to the success of waking up in the morning is that you must get enough sleep, otherwise all the morning suffering is quite logical, because the body is not rested. Tell us how your morning is going. Sign up for consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪