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Culture of Consciousness is: - the presence of spirituality, sincerity and awareness in a person; active evolution of his consciousness; - a person’s manifestation of culture, ethics and citizenship. Actually, the meaning of the phrase Culture of Consciousness is contained in the words Culture and Consciousness themselves - conscious and cultural behavior, feeling oneself as one with universal Knowledge, Culture and Nature, living in a Single informational, cultural and natural layer of society, one’s territory, country, world - this is understandable and felt by many people. This phrase speaks for itself. In ancient concepts, these words are composed and interpreted as follows: CULTURE - CULT (glorification) U RA (Light, sun), that is, aspiration towards the Light (Sun), glorification of the Light (Sun), i.e. development of the luminous nature of man. CONSCIOUSNESS - CO (joint) KNOWLEDGE (knowledge) - a general holistic understanding of the subject, at all levels of Existence in three-dimensional space: - informational (MIND) - sensual (SOUL → SPIRIT) - felt (BODY). That is, the connection of all knowledge into the One. Thus, the Culture of Consciousness is a person’s aspiration to Light (spirituality) by combining all knowledge into the Unified or the spiritualization of matter - the development of a new evolutionary stage by man. The Culture of Consciousness is a single information and ideological space capable of interaction and satisfaction of the ideologies of all modern religious faiths and teachings .Harmonious interaction with Nature and the surrounding world. And also with all scientific, cultural, social and political worldviews. The Culture of Consciousness is an active and nourishing force that animates a new emerging socio-global formation - Civil Society and ensures Sustainable development and well-being of Life. It manifests itself in the life of various communities and individual territories. activation is noticeable both in the development of local processes and throughout the planet as a whole. In the very sense of the phrase “culture of consciousness” lies the principle of the evolutionary transition of any existing worldviews and their participants to the next (after the State system) evolutionary stage of Society - Civil Society - platform, in which there is a place for the development of all worldviews (social consciousness), their calm, original and good-neighborly interaction with each other through the active development of individual consciousness and its liberation from subconscious blockages and attitudes (imprints and implants) in accordance with modern living conditions on the planet and trends of their changes. At the subtle-energy level, this is ensured by the joint manifestation in the space of the Earth of new, subtler, and, accordingly, more spreading (penetrating) energies, which make it possible to free human consciousness from imprints, etc. The number of people who are conscious - perceiving and transmitting subtle energies - is increasing. The subtle-energy portrait of humanity and the planet has changed: changes in the Schumann frequency, the passing away in a short time of a whole layer of outstanding people who carried the spiritual and cultural layer of consciousness of our society, etc. The Culture of Consciousness is the ideological platform of the emerging global Civil Society, which begins its creation in various communities and on the territories of existing states with further integration into a single world community. Basic principles of Civil Society: • Culture and ethics of relations with all things. • Effective development of human consciousness and achievement of the level of Service (transformation of passions - liberation from imprints and etc.), recognition of selflessness as the basis of human behavior.• Equal opportunity for a decent life for citizens at the expense of their labor, resources of government and territory, civil mutual assistance (basic funding for newborns, free allocation of land for housing, etc.).• Creation and operation of Civil Authority Bodies equal in rights with State ones and parity use of national and territorial resources by them; their interaction is in the interests of everyone.)