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Do you feel like you can’t keep up with the pace of life? Or have you completely despaired because everything is falling out of your hands? This is what most city residents experience today. People in cities are constantly exhausted by the race and experience chronic fatigue. Life was not as stressful as it is today. From the very morning, a person must be on time somewhere: to work, to take the children to kindergarten, to the train, to the plane. This list can be continued endlessly. Previously, people's lives were measured, they worked during the day, did household chores in the evening, and slept at night. But today people live differently, and often the night for them is a time for entertainment or work, but not for rest. Electricity, which has long been an integral part of our lives, has caused people to sleep less. With the flick of a switch, people extend their day as long as they want. Enterprises began to switch to night shifts so that production would not stop. Modern technology also takes away people’s sleep time. People stay up late in front of TV or computer screens, naively believing that they are resting, but in fact, for the body it is the same work. None of us can stop the pace of life, but it is possible to influence our own life so that it becomes balanced. It would seem that people invented household appliances to do less housework, but for some reason there is no more time. On the contrary, the forces decrease. The reason is that people spend most of their time working and also the time it takes to get there and back. Those who live in megacities know very well how much time they have to stand in traffic jams. To get everything done, we make time by sleeping. And in response, the body begins to give us “signals” in the form of fatigue. Today, there are already clinics that treat people who have sleep problems. From lack of sleep, a person develops chronic fatigue, immunity deteriorates, perception decreases, memory deteriorates, all this can lead to serious mistakes, which, as a rule, are costly. One of the causes of the Chernobyl disaster, as well as the explosion of the Challenger spacecraft , these are night shifts, and staff reductions. The effects of chronic fatigue are detrimental to the economy and cause car accidents. It is very important to respond to the body's signals that it is time to rest. At first, this is a common feeling of fatigue, changes in mood, depression, low resistance to viruses. From a busy life schedule, relationships between family members can collapse. Or a person doesn’t have time to start a family at all. Studies have shown that 60% of divorces occur in couples where both spouses work shifts and rarely spend time together. Children will certainly suffer from chronic fatigue of parents, since parents can take out their accumulated aggression on them. It is not uncommon for people to resort to alcohol abuse and drugs to relieve fatigue. But, in the end, this leads to new problems. In order not to lose the joy of life, and to lead a balanced life in this world, wisdom is needed. It is important to set your priorities correctly. A person who, when going outdoors for a couple of days, will look funny and load up household appliances and furniture with him. He spends more time loading and unloading these things than on the rest itself. Such a person may look stupid. But, often we, too, if we don’t set our priorities correctly, can look like this. People today spend a lot of time trying to make money on things that they don’t really need. One could easily do without them. An increase in the number of things does not add happiness to a person, but the person will get more stress. Many expensive things that we buy, thinking that they will make our life easier, actually require us to work harder so that we can buy them and then maintain them. Simplifying your life will give you time for your family and yourself. And this is the real key to happiness, because.