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Surely you are familiar with the state of frustration when your needs and desires are not met. Some people cope with this and live, accepting this state of affairs, while others suffer greatly. This article is about how to increase your level of tolerance to frustration and improve your quality of life. A low level of tolerance to frustration is the inability to cope with feelings of anxiety or stress, the inability to withstand a large gap between expectations and reality. You react to frustrating situations with intense irritation and anger. Depression or anxiety disorder may develop, and avoidance behavior may be activated. All people may not be happy with some events, but there are those who perceive them more acutely. This happens because of the beliefs that these people believe. These are beliefs that it is absolutely impossible to tolerate discomfort, that everything should be easy and simple, that you must get what you want, that if everything does not go according to plan, you can never be happy, that you cannot lower your own high standards , even if it is more rational at the moment. How to increase the level of tolerance to frustration? Here are some practical exercises: training mindfulness and slowing down (for example, a quiet walk without music or gadgets); testing patience (observing your state and training tolerance in unpleasant conditions, for example, remaining calm while standing in a traffic jam, communicating with annoying people, listening to sounds dripping faucet); progressive muscle relaxation for relaxation and deep breathing; concentrating on one object (for example, for 15-20 minutes, sitting and looking at one object in the room without additional thoughts and actions); overcoming fear (perform a fairly safe action that you were afraid to do before, for example, say a toast at an event, talk to a passerby, go to a new place, climb a mountain). And a number of other recommendations to cope with frustration: avoid putting yourself in the position of a victim by complaining to someone about offender, try instead to resolve the issue directly with your opponent; reduce high expectations from other people and yourself; treat yourself with compassion, be able to cheer yourself up in a difficult situation. In fact, many life obstacles are surmountable, the fact is that our perception sometimes can be distorted, we see ourselves weaker than we really are. To change attitudes, it is necessary to track them, question them and replace them with more productive ones, a psychologist will help with this. Dear readers, how do you increase your tolerance for frustration? I would be glad to see your likes and comments! Subscribe to the author so as not to miss other publications. To sign up for an individual psychological consultation, send me a message https://www.b17.ru/tatianapereval/#contact or write to.+79247134881.