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Dear colleagues and subscribers! Today I propose to discuss an important branch of modern psychology - cognitive psychotherapy. Why important? Yes, because times are difficult, you will need to put a lot of things into your head, look for new solutions and break the foundations. And this is only possible with a sober, healthy approach. What is cognitive psychology in simple words? Cognitive psychotherapy is a branch of psychotherapy that takes as its basis the belief in a direct connection between our thoughts - feelings and, as a final stop, our reactions and behavior. And really, remember how thought processes, negatively charged scenarios in our heads affect our mood, behavioral reactions, and impulsive decision-making. Of course, in a stressful state, it is sometimes very difficult to remain calm, optimistic and rational. Therefore, in this article we will talk primarily about methods of cognitive psychotherapy. How, by forming positive mental scenarios in your head, you can really manage your life, achieve your goals and simply feel happy. During my studies, I fell in love with this area of ​​therapy and, by the way, I can say that many marathons are based on, , lie precisely the foundations and techniques of cognitive psychology! I do not ridicule or criticize them at all - on the contrary, I believe that improving thoughts and creating a positive life scenario is very important and ultimately leads to the overall harmonization of a person. Even if this is achieved in not entirely professional ways, it is simplified and in some cases exaggerated. These marathons launch a program - in the future, a person who still has serious psychological problems turns to a specialist, as a matter of habit. Subsequently, I adopted many of the theses and techniques from cognitive psychotherapy and try them on in my practice. Today I want to share my the most favorite technique, which, based on my personal practice, works well, We are talking about the so-called A-BC technique. It lies in understanding how a certain activating event (A-activation event) leads to the formation of attitudes (B-belief) and consequences expressed in feelings and behavior (C-consequences). For example, one of my patients, by the way, is very a pretty girl, as a result of an unsuccessful teenage experience in love, came to believe in her absolute unattractiveness. So, A is a bad experience in love. Next, she allowed a negative scenario to form in her head - I’m so ugly that no one can love me and I won’t even try to communicate with anyone!!! - we are dealing here with the B phase, when unconscious thoughts are formed, which over time transforms into unconscious prejudices. The result is that the patient stopped taking care of herself, retreated from invitations to dates, and, naturally, over time, the number of her admirers disappeared, as if confirming her theory - phase C - the consequences of this negative attitude. When the girl came to see me, the first thing we did was allow ourselves to experience the trauma through free writing, describing the situation on a piece of paper in detail and devaluing it through post-irony and physical destruction of the text. We will talk about the mechanism of free writing in our consuming article. Now let’s return to the methods of cognitive psychotherapy of my patient. I suggested looking at her situation from 2 angles - for this we took 2 sheets of paper and formed a table of three columns for each sheet, column A - the activating event was common - an unrequited feeling. Columns B and C (attitude formation and consequences) were different: B negative, C negative for the first sheet, and B positive, C positive for the second sheet. I asked the patient to describe a negative scenario, already familiar to her, and then, together we formeda positive scenario emanating from the same event! So, A - unrequited love B - formation of an attitude - well, yes, it was not my person. Life is arranged very wisely and fairly, it took the wrong person away from me! If I had stayed with him, I would have missed my destined man and would not have given birth to the most talented and brilliant child in the world, a future Nobel Prize winner! What does the mirror say? Good! Yes, you can work on your waist. And if I want to change my hair color, I’ll go to the gym and see a stylist! And as a result, a completely different type C - consequences - a new me, athletic, fit, with a cool haircut and, most importantly, self-confident! Which scenario do you like best, I asked the patient? The answer was clear. My patient's story ended positively, of course there were setbacks and remissions, the old attitudes are strong and ingrained! At first, she had to use the ABC method very often; subsequently, we brought this process of reformatting thoughts to automation. The girl is now in a relationship, happy, in love and loved. So, a short summary. What is the basis of the ABC technique? To begin with, it is enough to answer yourself a few questions: 1. Has it ever happened that your ideas about something turned out to be incorrect?2. Has it ever happened that the scenario that you drew in your head later developed in the opposite direction?3. Have you noticed that other people interpret a situation similar to yours in a completely different way?4. Is it possible that you only take into account some of the facts while ignoring others?5. Does it happen that people perceive the same fact differently? Next, we work with 2 tables, as I described above. Analysis of any (even unpleasant) situation through the prism of this analysis allows you to look at and reprogram it according to a completely different scenario! Thoughts and facts are not the same. You may think that you are a zebra, but that thought will not turn you into a zebra! You need to compare your thoughts with facts! I hope my article was useful to you! I look forward to seeing you at my seminars and personal statements. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Yours, Anna Dear colleagues and subscribers! Today I propose to discuss an important branch of modern psychology - cognitive psychotherapy. Why important? Yes, because times are difficult, you will need to put a lot of things into your head, look for new solutions and break the foundations. And this is only possible with a sober, healthy approach. What is cognitive psychology in simple words? Cognitive psychotherapy is a branch of psychotherapy based on the belief in a direct connection between our thoughts, feelings and, ultimately, our reactions and behavior. And really, remember how thought processes, negatively charged scenarios in our heads affect our mood, behavioral reactions, and impulsive decision-making. Of course, in a stressful state, it is sometimes very difficult to remain calm, optimistic and rational. Therefore, in this article we will talk primarily about methods of cognitive psychotherapy. How, by forming positive mental scenarios in your head, you can really manage your life, achieve your goals and simply feel happy. During my studies, I fell in love with this area of ​​therapy and, by the way, I can say that many marathons are based on, , lie precisely the foundations and techniques of cognitive psychology! I do not ridicule or criticize them at all - on the contrary, I believe that improving thoughts and creating a positive life scenario is very important and ultimately leads to the overall harmonization of a person. Even if this is achieved in not entirely professional ways, in a simplified and, in some cases, exaggerated way. These marathons launch a program - in the future, a person who still has serious psychological problems turns to a specialist. Subsequently, I tookI use many theses and techniques from cognitive psychotherapy and try them on in my practice. Today I want to share my favorite technique, which, based on my personal practice, works well. We are talking about the so-called A-BC technique. It lies in understanding how a certain activating event (A-activation event) leads to the formation of attitudes (B-belief) and consequences expressed in feelings and behavior (C-consequences). For example, one of my patients, by the way, is very a pretty girl, as a result of an unsuccessful teenage experience in love, came to believe in her absolute unattractiveness. So, A is a bad experience in love. Next, she allowed a negative scenario to form in her head - I’m so ugly that no one can love me and I won’t even try to communicate with anyone!!! - we are dealing here with the B phase, when unconscious thoughts are formed, which over time transforms into unconscious prejudices. The result is that the patient stopped taking care of herself, retreated from invitations to dates, and, naturally, over time, the number of her admirers disappeared, as if confirming her theory - here we are dealing with phase C - the consequences of this negative attitude. When the girl came to see me, the first thing we did was allow ourselves to experience the trauma through free writing, describing the situation on a piece of paper in detail and devaluing it through post-irony and physical destruction of the text. We will talk about the mechanism of free writing in our consuming article. Now let’s return to the methods of cognitive psychotherapy of my patient. I suggested looking at her situation from 2 angles - for this we took 2 sheets of paper and formed a table of three columns for each sheet, column A - the activating event was common - an unrequited feeling. Columns B and C (attitude formation and consequences) were different: B negative, C negative for the first sheet, and B positive, C positive for the second sheet. I asked the patient to paint a negative scenario, already familiar to her, and then, together we formed a positive scenario emanating from the same event! So, A - unrequited love B - formation of an attitude - well, yes, it was not my person. Life is arranged very wisely and fairly, it took the wrong person away from me! If I had stayed with him, I would have missed my destined man and would not have given birth to the most talented and brilliant child in the world, a future Nobel Prize winner! What does the mirror say? Good! Yes, you can work on your waist. And if I want to change my hair color, I’ll go to the gym and see a stylist! And as a result, a completely different type C - consequences - a new me, athletic, fit, with a cool haircut and, most importantly, self-confident! Which scenario do you like best, I asked the patient? The answer was clear. My patient's story ended positively, of course there were setbacks and remissions, the old attitudes are strong and ingrained. At first, she had to use the ABC method very often; subsequently, we brought this process of reformatting thoughts to automation. The girl is now in a relationship, happy, in love and loved. So, a short summary. What is the basis of the ABC technique? To begin with, it is enough to answer yourself a few questions: 1. Has it ever happened that your ideas about something turned out to be incorrect?2. Has it ever happened that the scenario that you drew in your head later developed in the opposite direction?3. Have you noticed that other people interpret a situation similar to yours in a completely different way?4. Is it possible that you only take into account some of the facts while ignoring others?5. Does it happen that people perceive the same fact differently? Next, we work with 2 tables, as I described above. Analysis of any (even unpleasant) situation through the prism of this analysis allows you to look and,,