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New Year is a special holiday. All children are looking forward to it, because they believe that the wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true, gifts will be waiting under the tree in the morning, and the whole family will gather at the table to celebrate this holiday. However, for adults this holiday does not always turn out to be so fabulous, because not everyone has a family waiting for them at the holiday table, buying gifts is an expensive entertainment, rush jobs at work before the New Year completely ruin the mood. There is always a choice: you can be upset because of the inability to have time to resolve all the issues in the remaining time before the New Year days, or you can take everything into your own hands and create a festive mood yourself. What needs to be done to make the New Year happy again? 1. Getting rid of everything unnecessary and doing general cleaning First, you need to get rid of everything that bothers you, gets in the way, or is simply no longer needed. This is something different for everyone - for example, unnecessary things can be given to a shelter or sold on Avito. Someone needs to end a relationship that has been bothering them for a long time. You can clean up your apartment, garage, your work computer, or your feelings. By throwing away everything old, you inevitably make room for the new.2. Buying or creating New Year's gifts What is New Year without gifts! Make a list of who you want to give gifts to so you don't forget anyone. Buy gifts in advance so you don't have to worry about them anymore. If it so happens that you don’t have enough money even for all sorts of little things and candies, try to do something with your own hands; now there are quite a few different videos with master classes on creating original gifts with your own hands.3. We decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree. Decorations can now be purchased for walls and windows. The Christmas tree can be placed artificial or fragrant live, in a pot or without. You can even train your creative “I” by making a Christmas tree from felt, paper or other handy means. You can make garlands and toys, homemade stickers, and if you have children, then this can also be a fun and interesting pastime with your family. 4. Putting together a New Year's playlist with fun music Music can be turned on before breakfast to create a New Year's mood in the morning . And on New Year's Day, a special mood appears when there is cheerful New Year's music. And just compiling a playlist will make you happy.5. We are writing a list of completed tasks in the past year. Make a list of tasks that you managed to complete, as well as outline what you still have time to complete during the December days. Such summing up always fills you up and gives you the opportunity to be proud of yourself.6. Thank yourself for your achievements You can write a letter to yourself or the old wizard Santa Claus, in which you will tell about all your achievements in relationships, career or creativity. Or maybe you managed to achieve something in the development of your inner world. You can write how many books you read or how you were finally able to play sports. Be sure to praise yourself in a letter, tell us how great you were in the year that is ending.7. We arrange a pre-New Year's meeting with friends or family. Meeting with friends will always improve your mood, and you can also make it themed, or offer to play Secret Santa and exchange small gifts. Such a meeting will distract you from any rush jobs at work and remind you that the holiday weekend is coming. Be sure to meet those with whom you have not seen or communicated for a long time, but really wanted to.8. Creating a wish diary Keep a beautiful notebook or notebook. Write down in this notebook everything you dream about - it can be both material and intangible things. It’s always nice to dream, and it also develops your creativity. Well, it’s especially nice to cross something out in this diary later when the wish has come true. Sometimes it seems that absolutely nothing good is happening, and dreams are not coming true, with such a diary you will understand that this is not so.9. Forgiving ourselves It is important before the New Year to forgive yourself all the mistakes you made in the past year. Allow yourself to be imperfect and with this attitude +79672667783