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Toxic relationships are usually based on certain predispositions of the partner. Alice is 27 years old. I have been living alone for six months now and somehow got out of a relationship with a psychopath and narcissist. There was no physical violence in the relationship, but I think he would have used it sooner or later, but there was psychological and economic violence. I was afraid to offend him, and then I was simply afraid and now I’m afraid. Particularly important here are the negative traits that we call the dark triad. These include the personality traits of Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism. The behavioral patterns behind these three terms are very similar. People from the dark triad often behave antisocially: they try to defend their interests, even if this comes at the expense of others and it is felt as toxic. In addition, they tend to have a good understanding of how to treat others to achieve their goals. Machiavellians are considered master manipulators. They often act strategically and with a cool head. And this can be toxic for a partner. Psychopaths, on the other hand, are more impulsive. They are also characterized by a pronounced lack of empathy and feelings of guilt. And this can be toxic for a partnerNarcissistic people often seek out a partner over whom they can feel superior in order to reinforce their grandiose but fragile self-image and this is toxic. In doing so, they exploit sore spots and weak points. Therefore, relationships with narcissists are especially often characterized by emotional abuse.Additionally, here is the link - you can read my articles on the topic of Borderline and Narcissistic Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality DisorderDo you often get into toxic relationships and meet people who are self-absorbed, lack empathy, or are at times manipulative?Perhaps you see they have traits from the “dark triad” and when these traits are extremely dominant, in psychology they talk about a personality disorder. In such cases, the partnership is quite difficult to maintain, since the relationship is toxic. The more pronounced a person’s Machiavellian, psychopathic or narcissistic traits are, the more difficult it becomes to live with them and have equal relationships in which both parties not only take, but also give, and then yes , relationships can be called toxic. For example, people with clearly “dark” character traits tend to belittle their partner. They are also more likely to have affairs on the side and are less interested in serious relationships. And the relationship is difficult, conflict-ridden and toxic for the partner. Alice. We are still working with her now. It’s paradoxical, but there are people who, even knowing everything, enter into such a partnership. Why do people behave toxicly or get into toxic relationships? The reasons often lie deep in the past, in the family of parents. Have you ever been in a “toxic relationship”? Did you manage to get out of them without losses? Or are you in them now? Do you want to figure it out? Online Psychologist on Whatsapp: +7 965 101 7073 We can go through part of life’s difficult journey together. Take care of your mental well-being and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it..