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How to get out of stupor, numbness or panic during difficult times? What to do when nothing can be done? How to keep your sanity? I think most, if not everyone, knows the latest events. They affect both men and women, fathers and mothers, children and parents. The first reaction to what is happening for many is denial: “This is not happening to me,” “I can’t believe it.” Next are the emotions: fear, anger, excitement. Any of these emotions is better than when a person is in a state of paralysis, numbness, freezing. You need to get out of them as quickly as possible. The first to break are those who believe that everything will end quickly. The second are those who believe that this will never end. Those who concentrate on what they can actually do, on their activities, survive. It's like running. If there is a marathon ahead and you are preparing for a fast race, there is no finish line in sight. Life, under any conditions, is a marathon. It is important to consciously accept what is happening. This means you think about it, you talk about it, you interact with what is happening. How to cope with stress during difficult times? When I give recommendations, I do not give magic pills for everything in the world, but food for your subconscious so that it can help you find exactly the option that is right for you, because all people are unique, everyone needs an individual recipe. Ask yourself a question, subconscious will give the answer. And I give direction on how to cope with a condition that unsettles you. Do your usual things. Life shouldn't stop. Perform your usual everyday actions, return to postponed tasks. In general, keep yourself busy. The busier you are, the less your brain is occupied with panic, it switches to pressing issues. Find something that remains unchanged. Alas, work is not a constant for everyone. We generally have little stability in life. But banks consistently demand payments on accounts despite all force majeure. There is no external support now. You can only rely on yourself: our knowledge, abilities, skills - everything that is always with you is our constant, our balance and internal support. Talk to your loved ones. Think together, can you change something? Select interaction options. If we cannot change circumstances, then we can change our attitude towards them. I'm talking about thoughts and emotions. To overthink yourself and your loved ones is to create panic. Emotions and thoughts appear automatically. But those that we retain remain within us. History. A man comes to a specialist and exclaims in his heart: “I don’t understand my son, who doesn’t want to listen to me!” “Sorry, I heard correctly,” the specialist answers. “You don’t understand your son, who doesn’t want to listen to you?” “Yes, that’s right.” That’s what I said!!! - I thought that in order to understand a person, you need to listen to him... - There was a pause. When talking with loved ones, pay attention, are you having a dialogue or a monologue? Do you want to hear or are you waiting for a pause in the speech to convey your point? Those who are worried about their sons, husbands, fathers, daughters, consciously switch to those who are nearby. You will help the one who is there with faith in him and love. Actions won't help. Saying “I’m worried about you” helps a small percentage of people. For many this is additional stress. You need to be collected, and worries about your mother and father, who are worried, weaken you. They need power. If you feel like you are falling into a hysterical state, think about those who are nearby and take care of them. Some say that if they take away someone close to them, they will die or lose the meaning of life. It turns out that they have already written off their loved ones. Take your time, they are alive and you can improve their chances by believing in them. Relax. I don’t put this as the first point, because it makes no sense. A person is in an excited state, and they tell him: “Calm down!” At best it doesn't work, at worst it makes the condition worse. If a person could give himself such a command, he would do it with a snap of his fingers. But you really need to calm down, because life experience and practice show.