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Once I attended an interesting event. There was a presentation of an exhibition of a replica of the imperial crown of the Russian Empire, the restaurant's confectioners did their best and made a sweet copy of the replica. So, as a result, a chain with three links arose - the original, the replica, the confectionery copy. Directors love to shoot such stories in their films. The hero, who has lost the love of his life (usually his mother, wife or fiancée) in a tragic accident and has become clouded in his mind, encounters something similar and obsessively pursues this copy, sweeping away everything in his path. In the finale, the expected denouement comes, and the viewer, having received his intensity of emotions from the picture, calmly goes on to live his everyday life. Everything started off so beautifully for us. He proposed to me right away on the first evening we met. He said that he had always been looking for someone like me, that he had waited so long that he no longer wanted to live apart without me for a single day. We got married, all my girlfriends were jealous of me, and then it was as if he had been replaced...Then the story may have several options, depending on how far from the original the girl happened to be. Option 1. Working title “Medicinal analogue.” Plot. He loved her very much, and she cheated on him with his friend (not friend). He couldn’t forgive her, he worried and suffered, and then he met me. Denouement. Will return to his ex completely, partially, in his thoughts. Usually, girls who have been accustomed to Karpman triangles since childhood (favorite role of Rescuer) rush to get treatment. In her parental family, she was a “replica” of one of her parents. Option 2. Working title "Tango for three". Plot. I found his correspondence with her by accident. I couldn’t even think that he had someone there before me and they didn’t run out. Like a bolt from the blue. Yes, he still doesn’t say or admit anything. Denouement. The threesome's tango will continue until the main dance partner's understudy, lured into it by deception, comes out of the dance. If a girl is prone to dependent triangular relationships (infidelity was practiced in the parental family or a girl with an unlived Electra complex, especially if her parents divorced and her father left for another woman), then the tango will continue until the parquet is worn out and the heels wear out. Tango music sounds endlessly, as does the man’s promise to stop everything. Option 3. Working title "Stunt double for filming explicit scenes" Plot. He is a loving, good son and is very attached to his mother. They spend a lot of time together and often call each other. At first this made me happy, I heard somewhere “The way a man treats his mother, the same way he will treat his wife.” I tried to please his mother, was always attentive, gave gifts. But she is still at the center of his life, and I am somewhere in the background. Our relationship is not developing, we essentially only have sex, he is with his mother all the time. Denouement. The wedding may still take place, but you will never take the original central place; your man has been married to his mother for a long time. You can only replace her maternal functions and duplicate her in bed. If you don't need the imperial crown, then this relationship may well be suitable for you. Usually girls who were denied unconditional love from childhood agree to them; they were forced to earn it from their parents, i.e. They never had an original role of their own. Sometimes daddy’s daughters come into such relationships to immerse themselves in the usual competition with their mother (whether theirs or someone else’s) for first place next to their father, and now with a man. When starting a new relationship or analyzing old ones, pay attention to what role you are offered to play in life this person - the original (your own) or a replica and copy of someone else’s?