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Two weeks ago I boarded the Moscow-Krasnodar train, and now I am a resident of Kuban. The move happened suddenly, it was inspirational, but I collapsed on the spot. It’s worth noting that this is the 5th change of city in my entire life, since childhood I wandered around Siberia, then lived in Moscow for 5 years, and here I am again. This move was the most difficult, perhaps the brain becomes stale over the years. The main difficulty of migration (in subjective opinion) is the state of freezing. Accordingly, the main thing that began to help return to life was finding ways to unfreeze and get excited. And also routine, an island of stability, always reduces neurotic anxiety. *boxes and I TOP 4 ways to cope with the stress of moving: 1. Only for girls (and for advanced boys too, we accept everyone here) On the very first day, while sorting things out, I broke my nail. And meeting a nice master, chatting in a chair and feeling in a familiar environment turned out to be an extremely healing effect. Who would have thought. A couple of days later I went to have eyelashes done, and this feeling only got stronger.2. Find a favorite place Immediately after the train, I went to look for a coffee shop in my current area, where I now go almost every day. Excellent coffee, pleasant atmosphere, it has become a favorite routine, and every time I seem to defrost a few more percent thanks to this already well-known place.3. Balance between “getting behind yourself” and “trying to cheer yourself up” It is important to let yourself get depressed, lie in bed, and not forcefully leave the house if you don’t want to. I set a deadline of a month for all this (deadlines work great, I know from experience). I also allow myself to sleep for 12 hours, if necessary, I make sure to sleep during the day between clients, and I have canceled many complex tasks for a while. What is the balancing act? I do all these actions exactly until I feel worsening on the scale of internal sensations. Conventionally: I’ve been struggling for two days and I see that I have less and less strength. This will not work. This includes forced walks, trips to the center and just any activity. In general, if we are talking about the development of depression, the most dangerous thing about it is to let yourself get stuck in this state. And the best way of self-help is to forcibly (first) try to pull yourself out of the jam.4. Find people you like This point has not yet been tried on myself, but I am confident in its effectiveness. Even before moving, I found a full-time women's therapy group where I could find friends and like-minded women. The first meeting will take place in a week, and I can already sense how much resource there will be. These are not all the methods that can be effective. However, here I wanted to share exclusively personal experience—Ksenia Cosmos, psychologist and coachSign up for a personal consultationBook club for psychologists ProPsy