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The life of any person is full of worries and stress. Work, study, relationships with people are associated with a number of difficulties and problems. Sometimes it can be very difficult to control yourself and not take negativity out on loved ones, colleagues and even random passers-by. But if you constantly experience stress and negative emotions, breakdowns are inevitable. Is there any way out of this situation? Is it possible to curb your emotions once and for all? Controlling emotions is very important. Firstly, people who are on a negative wave are susceptible to both mental and physical illnesses. Secondly, the constant manifestation of anger, anger and irritation does not have the best effect on relationships with other people. You risk ruining your friendship, alienating your work colleagues, family, and other half. People tend to gravitate toward sources of warmth and light. In this sense they are similar to plants. If the person next to them constantly exudes negativity, they may find it best to distance themselves from them once and for all. Finally, calm people who can keep their emotions under control inspire more trust and respect. A person who knows how to control himself will have a better chance of taking a leadership position and moving up the career ladder. Let's try to figure out how to improve our emotional background? Find the source of your constant irritation. Maybe this is an untidy apartment that you “can’t get around to”? Force yourself to get up early on your day off and do some spring cleaning. If something about your appearance annoys you, make an effort to change it. Dye your hair, buy clothes that suit you better, change your perfume. From time to time you need to pamper yourself, enjoy the delights and little things of life. Try to learn how to keep your workspace in order. If it is cluttered with things, it will be difficult for you to find the necessary papers. As a result, you waste time and get irritated. Organize your activities in the best possible way. Plan all your activities in advance. There is nothing more disheartening than realizing that you have to complete a complex project or travel to several places at once in a few hours. To avoid such a situation, plan your time. It’s best to do the most difficult things right away so that they don’t hang around your neck like a stone in the last days. Evening walks can be a cure for irritation. Give yourself a breath of fresh air before bed. If you have a sedentary job, then warm up and do exercises. It is not forbidden to start playing sports. You will not only feel better, but also tighten your figure. If you are experiencing causeless worries, then meditation can save you. You can start with a few minutes a day. Relax to pleasant music, listen to your body. Be sure to take a bath with aromatic oils before bed. This procedure will help you calm down after a hard day at work. Good luck to you!!!