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First, you should understand the definition. Recommendation: always look at the definition and ask people what they mean when they use certain words. Very often, misunderstanding arises precisely because two different people, using the same words, mean completely different semantic contents. So, intelligence - (from the Latin intellectus - understanding) - the quality of the human psyche, consisting of the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn from experience, understand and apply abstract concepts, and use one's knowledge to manage the environment. A person’s general ability to perceive and solve difficulties, which unites all human cognitive abilities: sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination. Simply put, developed intelligence is the ability to adapt in society, the skill of decision-making, the skill of translating feelings, emotions, sensations into understandable information for communication. Why develop intelligence? Let's figure out exactly how problems are formed. A problem (from the Greek problema - task) is a question, a task that requires resolution. The function of a problem is not to make your life unbearable, but that you have learned to solve this problem in order to move forward and solve subsequent ones. But, as we observe, in the real world everything is somewhat distorted and from the constructive function of the problem, they have become a great obstacle to something. We decided that the problem is simply a task that requires finding a solution. A problem solved once in practice already forms a skill in a person. Intelligence allows a person to explore and find solutions to problems. Conclusion: by developing intelligence, you develop the ability to solve any problems. Consequently, you develop the skill of independently realizing your goals and desires. Science has now proven that it is conscious and unconscious goals that control human behavior, and not anything else. How a person’s goals are formed is another question. Both conscious and unconscious goals are formed on the basis of personal experience. Personal experience is all the information that has entered the consciousness of a particular person through the five senses. Experience can be changed by changing your attitude towards it. Change your attitude towards experience, perhaps by analyzing it and drawing conclusions. Analysis allows you to improve a person’s behavior according to his goals. There are two main types of goals: 1. Increase opportunities for pleasure (that is, happiness).2. Avoid, reduce sources of suffering. What does a developed intellect give (the ability to solve any problems)? Think about this question yourself, at least for a couple of minutes. How do you feel aware of the fact that you are endowed with the hidden ability to solve a problem of any complexity? The main thing that this skill gives is healthy self-esteem (self-worth), self-confidence and trust in one’s desires and goals, which people often suppress, citing past experiences, false information and delusions of the mind. What does conscious self-worth give? - lightness and relaxation. We just wish, set goals, take actions, get the result, adjust the actions if necessary, act again, get the result, until the result is completely satisfactory. - the joy of living in pleasure. We just live, have fun, enjoy the process of learning about life, gaining new experiences. Do you remember that our life is a Game))). What we part with when forming a healthy self-esteem: - with internal conflicts, since we understand what is true and what is formed from the outside; - with the need to survive, since an understanding of value comes for the World, and not for ourselves personally, the brain reconfigures goals and desires interact with your own kind, balancing give and take; - with all sorts of fears, anxieties, doubts, since fear with healthy self-esteem only indicates that there is a new experience ahead, and this is always interesting, an adventure))). So, I will assume that importance of development.