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It started when I was a substitute for our pediatric gynecologist during my internship and sat in the “children’s” area of ​​our residential complex for a month. One thing surprised me then: 80% of my patients were as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. These were typical excellent students, Komsomol athletes, beauties, athletic builds, always rushing from one lesson to another and tearfully begging for a certificate so that they would not be scolded for missing a lesson. And their pathologies were of the same type: irregular menstruation, childish pelvic structure, delayed development of the genital organs. The following observation came to me while working as a district police officer in the same residential complex: many women dream of getting pregnant, but to no avail. And they all look the same: businesswomen, they have everything under control, their whole life is planned out. They could be called successful: money, a prestigious job, a leadership position, an obedient husband, a vacation in Goa... if they didn’t come to me with tears in their eyes and a request: “Well, get me pregnant sometime!” If they get pregnant, they do everything, everything right: they go to classes, diligently perform gymnastic exercises, all the recommendations... but they still give birth very difficultly, often with the help of a CS. And there is one more observation. Woman. Often a believer. Often from the village. Often a housewife or with some not very “prestigious” job. Most often - married. Glowing from within with happiness. Loving and beloved. The child is 4.5 - 4.7 kg - and not a single break. The female reproductive system consists of 5 levels of regulation, 3 of which are in the head. Accordingly, what’s going on in the head directly affects women’s entire health. To understand how “correctly” we live, I really like to use one technique: I mentally transfer the situation to the Stone Age, to the period when the human body was formed in the form that it is. After all, civilization is a relatively recent invention. She could not change what had been built over millennia. So, the modern position of a woman: breadwinner, leader, boss - in the Stone Age could arise only in one case - if the men were killed and some women had to take on men's responsibilities. Naturally, to the detriment of women's, because... running after a mammoth with a pregnant belly is not very convenient. Our brain, the very first stage of regulation of the female cycle, works through male channels: leadership (defense of the cave), making money (preying for a mammoth), etc. - sends a signal to the lower-lying departments: “men have died out, there is no one to give birth to anyway, we need to save a starving tribe, go hunting, there is no time to give birth yet.” And there is no pregnancy. If pregnancy suddenly occurs, there is no birth, because “This is not the time to give birth, we are running away from a saber-toothed tiger, we need to lead the tribe out of the trap” (I’m talking about concentration, the desire to control everything - often accompanying women during childbirth). I will not dwell in detail on the hormonal processes that lead to the arrest of labor in women who want to control everything. They are described very well by Michel Auden: “Caesarean section - a safe way out or a threat to the future”, “Scientific knowledge of love”. Very often you can hear this: “We were treated for infertility for a long, long time, finally gave up everything, went on vacation - and pregnancy occurred.” Of course, the brain relaxed, stopped running away from the non-existent tiger - why not give birth? Another important observation: miscarriages and other pregnancy problems occur several times more often in unmarried women. There are even a lot of studies on this topic, you can Google it. Moreover (this is according to my observations) - not only at the expense of marginal women, but also at the expense of those who are quite prosperous in social terms. From the point of view of our ancient organism, this is logical. A woman behind her husband (in a happy marriage, of course, not just anyhow) feels more calm, she has less stress hormones, the natural hormonal processes in her body are not inhibited - and she gets pregnant and gives birth better. A woman who behaves/824149/