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There is such a test with ink blots. It was created by Hermann Rohrscharch. He himself was a psychiatrist. In the course of his research, he saw that what a person perceives visually in these pictures is closely related to his internal emotional state. This method continued its development after the death of Hermann Rorschach. How exactly does this test help? While viewing the inkblot pictures, the psychologist diagnoses and identifies disorders in a person in the mental and emotional sphere, after which the conclusions can be verified by clinical methods. There is a classic method of this test, during which 5 cards are laid out in front of the client. Here are Rorschach blots, they are exclusively ink. Questions are asked: "What does this mean? What do you see?" Some time is given, after which the person must describe what he sees. The psychologist must not miss a single detail when telling the client’s story. All answers are recorded, after which the results obtained are interpreted in various areas of human mental activity: emotional, social, behavior in stressful situations, etc. Using this test, you can also get an answer as to whether the client has any mental disorders, which makes it possible to recommend a clinical study and then treatment. In the table compiled by the specialist, categories are written that reflect the content seen. Categories are divided into: animals, human figures, objects, fantastic images, movement. Everything is recorded in encrypted form. In the table there are indicators of the norm that the psychologist is guided by. This test is carried out only by a specialist who has undergone special training in the Rorschach test. The test itself takes a lot of time, and the conclusion itself takes about 7 hours. Abroad, passing this test is very expensive. But, according to many psychologists and psychotherapists, the test provides information about exactly what the client needs, whether he has internal conflicts, whether he is hiding anything, even from himself, his fears and reactions to certain situations.