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From the author: published for the first time How formations work (continued). The arrangement procedure itself looks at first glance like an action with unpredictable interactions of “substitutes”, for whom no script is prescribed in advance, and the emotional response is so natural and natural that it leaves none of the participants, even observers, indifferent. The coincidence of what happens in the constellation with real events in the life of the client’s family members is striking in its accuracy and sometimes causes sincere surprise to the client, given that this information was not previously announced. And the solution, if it is found as a result of the arrangement, often leads to such changes that it looks mystical. This mystical touch, on the one hand, attracts many fans to the arrangements, and on the other, serves a very disservice to both the method and clients. Let's try to understand all this, although it is very difficult to do - the method is considered systemic-phenomenological. Well, with systemicity the situation is somewhat simpler: by system in our case we mean the interrelations of relationships and destinies in the family and the effect they have on the life and fate of our client. But the phenomenological aspect is that there are no or almost no strict cause-and-effect relationships. Each time we seem to rediscover the phenomenon of such influence and follow the information that comes from the arrangement. That through which information comes to the deputies and the arranger is usually called the “knowing or informing field.” And this is one of the main differences between the method and previous psychotherapeutic practices, where the therapist relies on concepts or interpretations. However, in our time, some specialists with experience in psychodynamic work with clients are making attempts to integrate methods, which, of course, expands the indications for conducting constellation as a method of psychotherapeutic intervention. I witnessed similar work, which, despite the very heavy and viscous energy of the constellation, which was manifested in the reactions of observers and the client himself, still ended positively with a pronounced effect of changes in the client after the constellation in a fairly short time.