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From the author: the article was published in the workshop of the Center for Positive Psychology "SO!" www.treningi.meRejoice today! On New Year’s Eve, each of us in the depths of our souls hopes and believes that this year will certainly be happy and joyful for him. Only, the further we get towards the end of January, the more our faith begins to melt. And in vain. It is in our power to make it like this! Adhering to just three principles. They can be found not only in psychology, but also in many spiritual practices, including the practice of Reiki. 1. It is today that you rejoice. There is a legend that when Alexander the Great went to conquer India, he met Diogenes, a Greek philosopher and mystic. Diogenes lay naked on the sand on the river bank and sunbathed. He was so beautiful, joyful, harmonious and peaceful that Alexander said in awe: “Sir, I am amazed by your existence, and I would like to do something for you.” Can I do something for you? Diogenes answered him: “Just move a little to the side, because you are blocking the sun, that’s all.” I don’t need anything else. Alexander stepped aside and said thoughtfully: “If I have another opportunity to come to earth, I will ask God to make me Diogenes instead of Alexander, so that I can enjoy every day in the same way.” Diogenes laughed:— Who is stopping you from rejoicing right now? Where are you going? I've seen troops moving for months - where are you going? And why? - I’m going to India to conquer the whole world. - And what will you do then? - asked Diogenes. - Then I will rest and rejoice. Diogenes laughed again and said: - You are crazy! I'm relaxing now. I am blissful and happy now. I haven't conquered the world, I just don't see the need to. You want to rest and enjoy yourself in the end, but why not now? Who told you that you have to conquer the world? I'm telling you, if you don't rejoice now, you never will. You will never be able to conquer the whole world... you will die in the middle of the campaign. Without joy, everyone dies in the middle of such a journey. By rejoicing, we experience positive emotions, send them to the universe and receive joy in return. After all, like attracts like! Surely, you have noticed that some pleasant miracles constantly happen to a person who is in a joyful state of mind. He's lucky! Someone condemns him: “what a fool, why are you happy?!” It’s true what they say is that fools are lucky!!”, someone envy his good mood, but the person simply lives in joy and gets great pleasure from every day. Can't you do that? To be happy when there is no money, family, work, or, on the contrary, too much work, too many children and family? You'll have to force yourself, my friend, otherwise you'll end up with a vicious circle! You're without joy, and in response, it doesn't matter. Let's do this - we'll build a bait for her. We'll fish with live bait. Great joy for little ones! For example, we start keeping a joy diary. Top number. Left: PLAN for joy (for example, ice skating, a bath with lavender, calling a friend). Right: FACT (calling a friend, fluffy snow outside the window, a smile from a stranger, unexpectedly delicious candy, a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one). And I assure you, in a month your “little magnets” will attract great joy! It is very important to rejoice today, with or without a reason. Why TODAY? Firstly, because we are not eternal, and our friends and loved ones are not eternal. And even knowing this, we live as if we have five million years ahead of us. Every day we postpone our joy until tomorrow. We are always waiting for the future. We tell ourselves: I will be happy then, when... (I will earn more money, lose weight, I will buy a car, get married, move to another country, etc.). We are trying to change loved ones, as if this is our joy. We put off declaring our love, thinking that tomorrow this person will begin to behave differently or because we are afraid to frighten away some illusory joy in the future. And now - what joy, what happiness? We dress on41623135