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Women (sometimes men too, but I will write about women to make it easier to read) often come to me for consultation with complaints about this that the other half is shamelessly using them in their own interests. To answer my question about the reasons why a person does not break up with someone who mercilessly takes advantage of him, there are always numerous circumstances that make this almost impossible from the client’s point of view. A person is already thoroughly “bogged down” in joint real estate, common cats/dogs, common business/work, and so on. What to do if you understand with your mind that a man is acting badly towards you, but again and again you continue to maintain a relationship with him? Break up - this is not a solution for women who simply cannot live without a certain man in their lives. Not a solution, because at this point in their lives they are ready to endure all sorts of humiliation and manipulation of their feelings, and they see this as a better option than to live without him. So what to do? If you are so caught up in the swamp of dependence on another person, then start by rethinking your situation. And I am writing this article so that you can take the first step in this direction. Since you are familiar with what I wrote above, it means there is an emptiness inside you, and you tried to fill it with what you receive from a man who seems to love you. Maybe at first you didn’t even feel an urgent need for his presence in your life. The need for one, specific man came gradually - you yourself didn’t notice how you had already stopped seeing yourself outside of this relationship. And perhaps even now you deny dependence on him, and it seems to you that it is he who is drawn to you, and not you to him. Well, this often happens - a person is inclined to attribute his feelings to another, especially if he himself is not aware of them. The germ of dependence just sprouts: in the place where you begin to be maladapted without a relationship with this man; in the place where where do your suspicions originate that without him you will eke out a miserable existence and not live; in the place where you allow a man to feel that you need him more than he needs you... And if this is true for you and your chosen one , then I competently guarantee you that as long as the situation is like this, you will NOT be happy with him. When I say this in consultations, the first reaction is to start being cunning with the man in such a way as to let him understand that everything is not as it really is. A woman herself can believe that she doesn’t really need a man and she just took it like that and almost stopped being dependent on him. And then she weaves intrigues to show how she began to treat him calmly. To this I can say one thing - it does NOT work. No matter how much you think about what and how to say, a man will still read your need for him, if there is one. It exists - otherwise, why all these sleepless nights during which you worry about what you told him, what he told you and what strategy of behavior you will follow with him in the future. The situation still remains - you will strive to run after him (even if this is expressed in how willingly you maintain correspondence with him). And then the man will be tempted to take advantage of what you offer. And given that he most likely has a bunch of his own complexes, he simply will not be able to refuse to continue to use you. In conclusion, I note that trying to deceive yourself is not an option. Trying NOT to show a man that you need him, that you are ready to hide behind him, is not a solution. If you want happiness in love, then you need to become independent. You need to behave with men with dignity and stop what you consider inappropriate to do to you. If one of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity does not appreciate your worthy behavior, then good riddance to him. Your man won’t get away from you.