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From the author: How can a psychologist advertise his services on B17: effectively and without making mistakes. A psychologist shares with other psychologists his own experience of placing advertisements on the B17 website. Advertising a psychologist’s services on the B17 website: opportunities Today, a psychologist can directly advertise his services on B17 in several ways. About free methods of promotion, you can read articles from my highly specialized selection of materials, I have already written a lot about this. Among the main methods of paid promotion, the most popular today is direct advertising ( placement of advertisements). Less in demand are opportunities such as raising an event or training to the TOP and sending out mailings to the subscriber base. Today I want to consider the possibilities of such a channel for advertising my services for a psychologist as an advertisement. Possibilities of advertisements on B17 for a psychologist I wanted to write that they are unlimited, but this is not true. They are limited, and by advertising on B17, only a few of my colleagues get the return they were counting on. You can advertise a psychologist’s profile (many do this). You can advertise events inside and outside B17. You can promote trainings and courses inside Q17. You can recruit targeted subscribers using special forms outside of this resource. You can achieve almost any promotion goals, but it is important to use this complex tool correctly, without making mistakes. Few people know that they can look at active advertisements of psychologists and current advertising campaigns of psychologists on B17 is now available on a special page. Advertising psychologist services on the B17 website: mistakes I analyzed several dozen ads - fortunately they are all available on a special page and I want to share with you a few mistakes that our advertisers make on B17. The main rule of sales is before the person makes a purchase decision, the seller must make 7-12 effective transactions with his potential buyer. The advertisement immediately leads to the psychologist’s questionnaire. It seems that my colleagues do not feel the difference between a person who comes from search engines (when he himself is looking for a psychologist) and between an advertisement that almost everyone, not necessarily ready to buy, will see. The psychologist’s questionnaire does not sell. Or rather, the questionnaire will sell if it contains a correctly positioned description of the service from the Client’s point of view, is filled out 100% and the psychologist has targeted reviews that correlate with advertising on the topic. The advertisement immediately leads to the sales page. Understand that advertising on B17 is not direct response marketing, especially in the rather expensive service segment. For example, a psychologist decided to attract participants to his training at a cost of 6,000 rubles. I just want to ask, have you bought a lot of expensive trainings yourself? The advertising banner does not reflect the essence of the offer. If you have already switched to the page with current advertising offers, then you have probably already noticed that advertising psychologists do not particularly bother with choosing pictures, much less ordering banners. 90% of psychologists use photos from their profiles as if they are selling a face. Moreover, I, as an active user of B17, see most of the faces for the first time, from which I come to the conclusion that my colleagues think that they will “catch a star from the sky.” Like you registered on B17 and advertised - and sit and count your profits. Advertising is given to the wrong audience. Since by posting an advertisement on the B17 website you are essentially paying for impressions, think for a minute - why pay for impressions of your “face” to other psychologists? There are other mistakes, but I propose to discuss them in the comments to this article. How can a psychologist increase the impact of an advertisement on the B17 website Once again, go through the text you read before this sentence and carefully re-read the main rule of sales. 7-12 contacts and only after that a sale. A psychologist and his services are not a bank to invest in PR advertising and.