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Let me start with the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of fear, and it is not worth it. Because fear, within reasonable limits, is a natural mechanism of protection and warning of dangers. And you definitely need to know this. Therefore, if you specifically want to get rid of fear, you will not succeed, because otherwise you may die or deform your personality so much that you will not be able to interact normally in a social environment. What if we weren't afraid of pain? Let's not be afraid of death? The child climbs into the socket. Since there is no fear, the mind does not analyze the consequences of negative events and does not evaluate the situation from the point of view of danger. That is, a person can die because he is not at all worried about pain and death. It turns out that a person becomes indifferent to his life. And here we come to an interesting discovery! Attention! Fear encourages a person to LOVE LIFE! Therefore, the first thing a fearful person needs to do is to understand that fear is his important helper and protector. If a person learns to understand the mechanisms of fear, he will be able to control it, like his master and creator. Fear is a survival program and it can be controlled by a person’s consciousness. Fear is the memory of suffering. Once a child was pricked with a needle, it hurt. The memory recorded the sensation of pain as an unpleasant feeling and action that traumatizes the body. A negative image remains in my memory. The body does not want to experience suffering and it will in every possible way prevent the repetition of such an experience. Fear quickly descends to the level of the unconscious and turns into a reflex that is triggered with lightning speed even when a thought arises or a memory of past mental or physical pain. Fear is born not only when a person personally encounters some negative situation. Fear can appear even if a person looks at some negative situation on TV, in a magazine, in a cinema, or simply hears a story or warning about the danger and consequences of a negative situation. Therefore, when there is even a minimal possibility of getting hurt, a person begins to be afraid. We are surrounded by dangers from different sides. We encounter them everywhere. They can be visible and invisible, inevitable and potential, they are serious and not very serious, of different scales and different intensities. So why then are some people more afraid and others less? Why, in the same situation, does one person remain completely calm, while another panics and develops a phobia? The answer lies in his experience and knowledge about himself and about the world.1. If you don't know how to use a computer, then you won't be able to control it and use it as your assistant. First, you will have to understand the principles and laws of working on a computer, that is, you need to learn how to interact with it and understand instructions. It’s the same with a person, because he, too, is an extremely complex biological computer. If you don't know and understand yourself, then how can you manage yourself and your emotions? But the emotion of fear is very powerful and ancient. Therefore, 80% of people in Russia live in a state of neurosis, because they cannot tame their fear and do not know how to do it. And sometimes you don’t even want to know. But since you are reading this article, you are on the right track. And this information is already helping you become the master of your internal and external life.2. A person relies in life on his own experience and on the experience of other people, especially parents. If a person has little successful and positive experience, then all other knowledge contains negative experience that will provoke fear. The more negative experience, the more fear and uncertainty, the more other negative emotions - anger, resentment, despair and doubts about the right choice. This means the future is no longer as sunny as we would like, and there is almost no faith left, which means the desire to achieve something weakens day by day. Dissatisfaction with oneself and life remains, and fear develops into constant anxiety. Excessiveuncontrollable fear deprives a person of objectivity, makes him vulnerable, sick and dependent on external circumstances and the behavior of people around him. In childhood, a child has almost no experience, so he receives it from his parents. In the process of upbringing, parents pass on most of their fears to him and, already at the beginning of a person’s path, overload him with knowledge about suffering. What kind of future do you think this child will have?.. Unless he starts looking for answers within himself... We figured this out a little. And so, we looked at fear from the point of view of internal mental mechanisms and found out that this emotion is a protective reflex that occurs in a state of danger. And danger is an irritant that causes a reflex, that is, the emotion of fear. Now we move from internal to external.3. Most of our fears are overblown and exaggerated. Many of them are imposed on us by the social environment, parents, and stress. They deprive us of our freedom and comfort of life given by nature. A person is afraid of what once happened to him, he is afraid that it will happen again. Thus, he concentrates on this fear, waits for a repetition of the negative experience and automatically gets into the same pile... Have you ever ridden around a stone on your bike on your way? A person may try so hard to avoid this rock that he ends up crashing into it. This case illustrates well the mental mechanisms of fear. “What I fought against, I ran into.” sounds like folk wisdom. That's why books on reality management say that we attract to ourselves everything that we fear. Therefore, do not be surprised if failures constantly occur in your life. The reason lies within the person.4. We are afraid of what we do not love and do not understand. We are afraid of unpredictable behavior, we are afraid of the future, we are afraid to make the wrong choice, we are afraid to trust a person, we are afraid to love, forgive, accept help. Thus, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to live life to the fullest, to rejoice, to feel freedom, success, harmony. But there is one secret. Sit down, calm down, take your fear and start looking at it from all sides. Ask him questions: is he really real? What will happen if what I'm afraid of happens? Why should this happen if I didn’t choose it? What good is my fear? What does he bring me? Why do I need it? While you reason, your fear will melt... This means that you are afraid of something that does not exist and will never happen. Your fear is your past. Leave it in its place and stop moving it to the future. Because you choose the future yourself. But we'll talk about this later.5. Love dissolves fear. We are afraid of what we do not love and do not accept. If you are afraid of stray dogs, you don't understand them. They rush at people out of fear that they will hurt them again. It turns out that they are not dangerous to you, but you are dangerous to them. And if you understand them and show compassion for their life of suffering and pain, then you will feel love in your heart. And it is she who will save you when you meet an animal. The same thing works with people caught up in anger and the desire for revenge. The first defense against such people is understanding and love. Well, if a person took an ax and moved towards you, then it’s time to stop reasoning and start acting... By the way, fear will trigger such resources in your body that you didn’t even know about. You will jump over three-meter fences and run faster than the wind. The fear of death is the basic and main fear of a person. Religious people do not suffer from neurosis. Do you know why? They understood what death is, they studied it and realized that death does not exist. There is only a transition similar to the phase transition of a substance from a solid to a gaseous state. They know that they will live forever, so their fear has completely weakened.5. Don't resist fear. The first thing a person does is fight his fear, because it is unpleasant and often intrusive. But as soon as he begins to study it or even wants to reproduce fear at that moment with effort!