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From the author: Article on the website How to cope with spring depression or other troubles if you hit the “I don’t want to” point? It’s very simple and pleasant - meditate and draw. I myself have used this method many times. Helps. And if you are overtaken by spring depression or other blues, no matter who is to blame for it, start creating. Even if you don’t want to do anything, do it with an effort of will. Scientists have long proven that the mental factor is often more important in curing diseases. When you create, the body's internal reserves are mobilized. They help you cope with the blues. To do this, you don’t have to be able to draw. Healing will take place in 2 stages. The first stage is getting rid of depression or any other problem. Second, we activate our internal resource and fill ourselves with new energy. It’s simple. Prepare sheets of paper, scissors, paints and pencils. (With pictures and meditation you can read the article HERE) Draw yourself on the left, and on your right - your problem in the form of a tangled ball and a thread attached to you. Under the problem, write its name: melancholy, depression, resentment, etc. Then cut off the problem with scissors and burn it. You will get tremendous relief as you watch the flames consume your problem, leaving not a single piece of it. The ancient people had a cult of fire. The flame was considered a cleansing procedure. Yes, and in Rus' there were rituals and games when they jumped over fire. Fire cleanses of negative energy. Even before burning, you can also write down all your problems on paper and burn both sheets - the one where the problem is described and the one where it is drawn. I am writing this, sharing my experience. My problem took up almost the entire free part of the sheet on the right in the picture. And the sheet was completely covered with writing. When these two sheets burned, I felt significant relief. And now it remains to fill the place where the problem was with new pure light energy, tenderness and love. To do this, take another sheet of paper, look at the paints and those colors that your hand reaches out to, Without thinking too much, draw a new drawing filled with energy. It can be anything: abstract or concrete. The main thing is that the drawing pleases you. Margarita Shevchenko in her book “I Draw Success and Health” suggests drawing angels. This can be done immediately after the short meditation that I recorded for you. I hope this ritual will help improve your condition: cleanse yourself, fill yourself with strength and attract Luck and Love into your life. You can listen to the meditation HERE Sincerely with you, Buyavchi Rezeda.