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Under the conditions of quarantine measures, it is difficult to remain a positive person, when from all sides they teach, educate and criticize for every little thing, without noticing the good. And when you begin to wish good things and give a smile, you are faced with a hard intersection: that’s enough about good things and what’s there to smile about, and again a wave of negativity with inoculating splashes about the safety of life. As they say: if you want to change the world, start with yourself. As long as a person notices only the bad, where will the good come from? The brain processes information based on experiences and mental images. Each image is reinforced by emotions and feelings, which in turn affect the release of hormones and trigger the work of the whole organism. Emotional stress seems to slow down the hormonal background and reduce the production of energy impulses that trigger the mechanisms of productive power of the whole organism. A person, as he says himself, has no strength. No strength for what? Depends on the severity of the condition, if it is minor stress, then the main thing is not to fixate it, to give the opportunity to get positive emotions from what makes you happy: go to nature, do creativity, draw, go to the pool, run - everyone has their own criteria for lifting the mood .Severe stress instantly makes a person dependent on external interaction with other people. And it is very important who was nearby at that moment, how they supported and, unfortunately, what they said, because... it is the words that are recorded as stimulus material for further rehabilitation. When working with trauma, a person, even after many years, reproduces who said what and notes the moments of who was nearby, and for whom there is a strong resentment and a desire to fill the void. As they say, better late than never and There is no point in changing other people, start with yourself. Negative thoughts can be replaced with notes with a positive message from simple pleasant moments, familiar from childhood and biologically inherent little things: when you wake up, stretch, smile, wash, brush your teeth and say “good morning”. Also, during the day, notice in fact here and now what I am glad that at first it will be difficult and almost seem impossible, and yet, automatically and by inertia, the body chooses positive stimuli for energy production, the main thing is to mark them in time and be aware of them. When interacting with a person, pay attention to yourself, what is your posture, what you do, how to speak and with what intonation, what you say in your speech, how you construct a sentence, whether you use negative or positive expressions more often, what feelings you experience. Please yourself not in spite of, but with pleasure. You can sign up for a consultation and events on positive thinking through the website b17 or by phone 8 909 137 7800, Elena.