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⠀I received so much feedback from you about my note about attention problems in children that I realized: the topic needs to be continued.⠀It is important to understand that children under 5-7 years of age (and more sensitive and up to 9) normally cannot concentrate their attention for a long time on what is not interesting to them. This is due to the natural stages of brain development.⠀In this regard, it is useless and quite harmful to teach preschoolers perseverance. Besides, just think, if before school children are not allowed to splash out their activity somewhere, explore the world, experiment, try and make mistakes, then when?⠀The modern world is changing rapidly. And specialists who do not work according to a given plan, but are able to generate their own ways of solving problems and bring creativity, are increasingly valued. And preschool age is the time when these abilities can emerge in a child.⠀When a child goes to school, there are spaces for creative search There is often no solution left for problems: 2+2=4, this problem has only one solution, and the meaning of this novel is as the teacher sees it. And unfortunately, there are few teachers who give students room for self-expression and search for creative solutions. In addition, given the burden of the modern education system, the child often does not have time, and often no desire, for something of his own. Lessons are a must, courses are a must, and the remaining time is consumed by gadgets. And this is sad.⠀In addition, unfortunately, children often have to do like everyone else and answer according to the same scenario even in kindergarten.⠀Parents are often told that the more poems a child learns, the sooner he reads and writes, the smarter he becomes. and he is more developed. Alas, this does not apply to the development of intelligence. (I shared some research. I'll leave links at the end)⠀What am I talking about? The sooner you start expecting perseverance and concentration from a child, without taking into account the natural stages of development, the more you can slow down this process. It is normal that preschoolers can be absorbed in an interesting activity for a long time, but are constantly distracted from an activity that is imposed from the outside.⠀* Research on early development: here and here