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From the author: A few simple recommendations for women who want to know how to build a relationship with a man in order to get a harmonious and happy relationship. An amazing thing, when I was 20 years old, we didn’t know that relationships exist, and that you need to be able to build them. We just lived, were friends, fell in love, got married and got married... Everything worked out by itself... I can’t say that everything turned out great for everyone, and until now everyone lives in their previous families, and everyone is doing well. Rather, on the contrary. Now, taking into account my experience and knowledge, I can confirm that relationships can build on their own. This is how we used to be. Such relationships are like flowing water during rain. Water itself decides where to move next. The direction of movement is determined by itself. Taking into account the terrain and other parameters. At every point in time and at every specific stage. But no one knows where this path will lead, as well as how, when and where it will end. And it can end, for example, in a swamp. To lead this stream to where it needs to be, a person picks up a shovel and builds the relief of the riverbed. Marks the path where the water should move. And the water moves where the person pointed it. It’s the same with relationships. Relationships need to be dealt with so that they do not reach a dead end. Relationships need to be learned. Relationships are the same discipline as mathematics or the Russian language. The construction and development of relationships is subject to its own and only its own laws, principles, rules and formulas. If you don’t know it by heart, you’ll fail on the first date. What is the psychology of building a relationship with a man based on? How to build a relationship with a man? What are the laws of relationships? There are not many of them, they are natural and derived from the reality of our everyday life, based on biology, physiology and human psychology. The first law is: “If you are a man, then be in male energy, if you are a woman, then in female energy.” Boris Yakunin in his novel “Children of the Moon” wrote the following lines: “She smiled at Alexei as if he were a good friend and pulled an empty chair from the next table - A REAL GIRL WOULD NEVER DO THIS.” Why did the author write this? Because the author assessed the actions of the heroine as incorrect, inappropriate for a real young lady. Why? The heroine showed activity... Physical. She carried out a physical action at the beginning of the acquaintance, addressed to the man she liked. Activity is a masculine quality. Men live in their own man's world. It is complex, full of rivalry and competition. A man must be very active to achieve his goal and get results. Goals can be very different. We may be talking about a girl that a young man is wooing, or about a new position and a new salary that an applicant is striving for. Activity presupposes movement, actions, actions. A feminine quality, in contrast to a masculine one, is passivity. Physical passivity. However, I do not encourage you to remain passive and do nothing. You not only can, but also must be EMOTIONALLY active. How to show emotional activity and thereby radiate feminine energy? With shining eyes, rejoice at the young man, smile at him, wave your hand in greeting... But you don’t need to run for a chair for him or move tables so that he can pass. He will do everything himself. Just give him a little time to look around and understand how best to do it. If you wait a little, then by remaining in your feminine energy, you will give him the opportunity to remain in his masculine energy. Those. while remaining active, make decisions yourself and achieve the desired results. Here it is appropriate to talk about another feminine quality - the ability to wait. Unfortunately, modern young ladies do not know how to wait at all. And very often, showing impatience and activity, they begin to call the man first. Do not do this! The ability to wait for a man to call is a very valuable skill for a woman. Mind your own business and don’t run “ahead of the locomotive”! But if you show